Nolan Trilogy (Army Intel Print - Alfred Pennyworth's Files)
Ra’s al-Ghul: Marilyn Manson, can’t run Hokkaido and Korean banking for real estate, hhis left amygdala was removed. Pol Pot, thought he was too smart, to be a banker man. ###: O’Neill sack of Cambodia, farmers replace soldiers, hidden in collected history, written backwards by Pol Pot. For the child. Scarecrow: David Charlebois, can’t be an Army lieutenant in intelligence, his name is too obscure to call in a fire mission. Dave Charlebois, is Lucky Luciano. ###: Ernest Champlain is the Murderous Mister Wong (classic film, Ernest’s rapist’s son, Boris Karloff Jr.). Batman #1. Victor Zsasz: Harry Tetcher, is unregistered on INTERPOL reports, but you have to get him out of jail. He’s Harry Potter. The Prince. But not just the Prince. ###: Shell shock, negative. System shock, positive. Wager with Alice Charlebois, can son marry an English line. Placed: QE2. Joker: Reggie Brown, can’t be a Republican President of co...