British Empire Megastructures (Composite Structure)

Premium: A textbook return on an insured investment, impossible since it's quoted as the textbook return on ledger; therefore, the proper return, always follows five out of double one, a group stock of same policy.

The premium system, is everything about British politics.

The Parliaments, take the levied tax, requested by Monarch, to fund ministries, beneath the King or Queen.

The Commonwealth, relies on premiums, to govern everything else, not decided upon through Ministry, the gambling societies.

Paperwork, is the system of governing premiums.  Cops invented paperwork, to see if you can be a cop. Anything with paperwork, is just for cops, including cops evaluating their service, your taxes.  Because cops, have laws, you have to have more than one option, the law stated, and having more than one hand, to write, on the desk, the other hand bracing the papework.

An insurance broker, gives a secretary, a psychotic break, if he's British, on a date, all of it supported by the business deals inside the megastructures; the secretary, has to file the exact circumstance, for a new paperwork trick, to expand paperwork, and the trick, is now, a new type of premium.

Each of the following, are British organizations with subsections, governed through the premium system; megastructures, the beneficiaries of the above formula:

Abwehr (Texas Instruments).

Acquired Timeshare (Anglican Mortuary).

American Psychiatric Union (Irish Republican Army).

Austrian Pilsners (Anheiser-Busch).

Boston Wights Front (Irish Mafia).

British Airways (Bollywood).

British Union of Fascists (British Broadcasting Company).

Canadian Intelligence (COBRA).

Church of Israel (INTERPOL).

COINTELRPO (Montreal Mafia).

DARPA (GI Joe Comics).

Dead Poets Society (House of Usher).

Dutch Country (Philip J. Morris).

Feminist Rally (Group Thirteen).

Feminist Studies (Bretonwood Academy).

Fenian Brotherhood (Fraternal Order of the Police).

Force Recon Unit (Milton Bradley)

Foreign Office (Hollywood).

Gearworks (Child Study Committee).

Games and Theories (Hasbro).

Globe Theater (International Monetary Fund).

Greek Mythological Society (O'Neill Clan).

Haganah (Friends Stand United).

Irish Witchcraft (SPECTRE).

Jehovah's Witnesses (Scotland Yard).

Jewish Board Room (Fox News).

Messianic Judaism (Gordon's Fisherman).

Military Theory Academies (Sandhurst).

Narcotics Bureau (Grocers Union).

OWL/MLA Format (Penguin Books).

Presidential Freemasonic Society (Chicago Polymercantile).

Roofing and Shingles (Professional Yachts Society).

Secret Agent Man (Log Cabin Republicans).

The Ferrymen (The Beatles).


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