Career as a Murderer (Great White Shark)

Russian Forces Defeated (Reason: Likud Muskau, Wares on Refusal to Own, Fraud Trials): 

Armenian-Mob, Suspect Carlin Sarkesian. Died of pork hot dog burning on frying pan, couldn't pass bowels. Meneitsch al-Shetvietz. Found with an overdose of ibutephrine, craving for cigarettes or overdose on heroin, in the left cerebrum. Parents used it to invent Narcodan, treatment for heroin users, with nicotine substrate, later lithium pipe cigarettes, the "vape". Did it for free, they've got a dead kid. Napster's Outta Here. Detroit-IDF, Suspect Phil Enfield. Died of prison beating, screaming that Spider-Man was a pedophile. Borf al-Shadan. Samurai shamed, after Prince William's response, outing royal families of Europe as being under Japanese control, of Uma Thurman's line. Insane Clown Posse shut down, militarized outside of MI-6. Now a rogue unit. No more clowns on preaching day. Amsterdam NOMRL hunt team, Pirate Bay. Suspect Keith Valesquez Died of Raid spray, produced from Amsterdam Labs, sprayed on marijuana, "mids grades", taken from a local tobacco rice farm. Sprays discovered as reason for toxic weed. Menschen Menschen Al-Menescheitvz. Marijuana legalized, for safety. Three suicides, plus one motor vehicle gorge. Me. Survived. King Herod, returns.

Canadian Forces Defeated (Reason: Conscription considered law through rumor of Fenian Brotherhood, Fox News Cable; Conscription illegal, since 1776, establishment of US Congress and US Executive Office):

Nick Maynard is in a fugue state, Josh Moen is an inebriate from cocaine and crack usage, Ryan Cunningham has a rape tattoo across his shoulders, Brian Monaghan is on medication for Down's Syndrome, Ivan Tomasic has the phantom illusion of a gun to his head as a Damocles, Christopher Sweeney has a learning inability to understand others he manages, Justin Walsh is a heroin addict that reports sobriety as using heroin, Stephanie Tomasic is an FRU inside Planned Parenthood, Travis Long lost his liver function, Bernice Lamb is a Roxycodone victim.

British Forces Defeated (Reason: Psychiatric panels used on children in families forced homosexual, homosexual considered inappropriate touching or hugging or gripping between families and to children, child molestation and pederasty, however still married heterosexual, without striking or arrest for homosexual displays of dominance):

Weinstein’s on Nolan, Soros is on Ubisoft, Bonosorno has Army Reserve casualties, Barack Obama  is on a flying buttress, Dogg the Bounty Hunter can’t find the Patracas, Hillary has a Jethro Tull Flowchart from Marilyn Manson, and Netanyahu killed the other Whitey (that’s bug eyes).

Israeli Forces Defeated  (Reason: Assumption of fealty for pederast overture towards child or adult, through marker of possession or sight of witness, violation of chattel slavery laws, Union, Civil War):

Anatole Marcinault: Proven to be a spy posing as a gangster for INTERPOL, revealed to Georgette Charlebois and executed by priests.

Timothy Kierney: Informed to his mother that he had mooned me with greasy orange shit in his ass crack, placed in juvenile incarceration for the mentally deficient.

Rory McCochrane: Tricked into creating the term pillow biter, regarding a boy pillow fighting, framed self of pedophilia and placed in juvenile incarceration, film Batman Forever made for him with him as Batman, shown in corrections, revealed to be Riddler because he did not smoke cigarettes; Batman invented the cotton tobacco filter, my family's pedigree (as well as the neutron bomb hood, my creation, 6th grade, held by the Canadian Defense Industry).

Rabbi Gezneck: Placed in charge of Student Union Internationale for Hillel House, biotropic foods department, vegan and dairy from whole fat calf of dog's rind (sheep hound).

African Forces Defeated (Reason: Assumption of sexual relationship, for viewing the buttocks or breasts, promiscuous conduct disorder, female rapist, protected by ignorance of negro community):

Christine Warren: Back chiseled out of lower ligament, caused by snake charmer’s gene, listening to Guns’n’Roses, “You Could be Mine”.

Cassie Leigh Stock: Violent overdose on Wild Turkey, masturbating to ass worship porn for 8-9 hours.

Jenna Williamson: Hot air balloon into power lines, revealed that You’ve Got Mail and Sleepless In Seattle, was her arch-nemesis, House of Montague; Capulets lose, Jenna has a peg leg.  Pirates win, Tom Brady goes to the Buccaneers.


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