COINTELPRO Targets (Hunted by IDF and DC Comics out of MI-6)

 Cornelius Vanderbilt: The sales of preferential cop food, on monopoly, from service.  A bonus, given to cops, for removing, honorary food memberships, targeting the diligent poor.  The question of the lira market, those spending their money wisely, without thinking of the other side; venture capital, for urban renewal, through city unions, targeting those as effigies thinking of one side, the logical deal, instead of both, the civic corruption, therefore siding with the addiction-inducing behavior of the corrupt blue collar labor.

Enoch Johnson: The removal, of a cumulative pair, of GPA B+ averages, freshman year of college, without the rape felony, of a woman, construed to testify, on the blame of an African, "black", college student, both dark of skin, and an undercover cop, performing a criminal function without imbibing; the sales of a bitch, for informant, to Southwestern Supermax, for following Jewish morality, without police corruption, getting into a trade for benefit of others, without devotion to media corrupt televised trade, the contemplation of exertion of force for Synagogue; otherwise, not following Catholic faith, the broker of pederasty.  Used for the organ trade, the B+ overall cumulative taken, for flawed organs, for poor, their semen stolen by military wives, for state police, for cheap labor and then harvest, by Sauds, the Israeli government's secret partner, in the Janissary system.

John F. Kennedy Sr.: The restriction of Green Beret groups, from practicing Purim, with local populaces, hence the refusal of Jewish women, from marriage, the enforced lesbianism of Arab and Kurdish logic, the enemy of Israel, through refusal of support of Phillistine Jordanians, or O'Neill Irish, Kennedy himself an O'Neill, however in slavery of Papist, a Fensling hand bind, without Phillistine blood, the King David's line, seeking to speak over lies as if truth, despite being lie, without Phillistine blood, a peace partner of Israel outside of falsely sold books of Ottoman rapist pedophile origin.  The formation of the National Security Agency, a Jewish mercantile fund, similar to the Freemasons, a French union for spies, but neither supporting Israel, the freedom of Jews from supporting any national cause, counter-Marxism, against Britain, the so-called "Scottish-Jews", Ulsterists separated from Ireland by German-Lutherans, the Royal Irish Navy, actual ignorant kruetzelmen, French-German theorists, the common labor trades in addiction by fault of refusal of drugs.

Jack Kemp: The entry level class, a 100, as the model of all commerce, an elective or origin major, stolen from notes or design by Hispanics, those non-Latino or coerced to Hispanic thought as Latinos or Natives, "spics", those rebellious against Catholic hymn, hence religious, a pederast, to be slurred until fasted by "sand niggers", those of black blood or equivalent, "Arabs", the Middle East or Israelis, "sand niggers", the "flapping towel head".  A learning model, discarded after a week, after each subject theory, given to industrial margin populace for votes, making them ignorant forever, the economy or psychiatric wards or police or education or prisons impossible to function, under Ottoman logic, however through stealing, through "greasebags", "stinky men" or "fat spics" claiming "Caucasian", male or female.

Holland NORML: The practice of the vice trade, cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, crack, amphetamines, psilocybin, LSD, or PCP, as cut with dangerous substances, through the Dutch East Indies Trade Company, out of tree surgeons and small tobacco rice farms, with enslaved sex workers performing work, "pimps", Muslim Caucasian converts, or Islamic Jewish converts in the African community, forcing diseases and sprayed drugs or poisoned drugs into system, among casual users; for corrections munitions, out of police investments overseas for Israeli and German Counter-Terror products, to sell countermands to intelligentisa doing drugs, lobotomies, also for stage, music, and screen, based on those with appointed and elected simultaneous position, offering functions otherwise, "influence", having children that engage in morals of people, the Sophist, the Promethean, fascist political supporters following, the athletic viewing public.


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