Nolan Trilogy (Army Intel Print - Alfred Pennyworth's Files)

Ra’s al-Ghul: Marilyn Manson, can’t run Hokkaido and Korean banking for real estate, hhis left amygdala was removed. Pol Pot, thought he was too smart, to be a banker man. 

###: O’Neill sack of Cambodia, farmers replace soldiers, hidden in collected history, written backwards by Pol Pot.  For the child.

Scarecrow: David Charlebois, can’t be an Army lieutenant in intelligence, his name is too obscure to call in a fire mission.  Dave Charlebois, is Lucky Luciano. 

###: Ernest Champlain is the Murderous Mister Wong (classic film, Ernest’s rapist’s son, Boris Karloff Jr.).  Batman #1.

Victor Zsasz: Harry Tetcher, is unregistered on INTERPOL reports, but you have to get him out of jail.  He’s Harry Potter.  The Prince.  But not just the Prince.

###: Shell shock, negative.  System shock, positive.  Wager with Alice Charlebois, can son marry an English line.  Placed: QE2.

Joker: Reggie Brown, can’t be a Republican President of color, is last name is Brown.  Republicans are anti-racist, but white people are racist.

###: Forgery artist, to duplicate Otto Strauss, refused leadership of Hitler’s Germany.  Hitler wasn’t a politician, nor a Hitler.

Two-Face: Jenna Williamson, can’t be the district attorney.  She already looks like another character, she’s penned herself in.

###: Laney family, perfect comic writer, Shakespeare’s direct line.  Oswald family, perfect assassin, perfect impeachment lawyer.

Bane: Tom Brady, can’t be a CIA agent.  He’s a natural quarterback, but he doesn’t root for the Jets, and any quarterback, roots Jets.  A CIA agent, has to be a stereotype, but he has the right name.

###: The CIA is a gay division, and Tom Brady, is straight.  Two things just don’t go together, in gay culture, and Brady has three.

Catwoman: Jessica Bailey, can’t be a hooker.  Her first cousins, William and Harry, are famous, and they’re in power. 

###: Cassidy Windsor, real name, hermaphrodite, natural psychiatric behavior of Tibetans is prostitution (Samurai Caste).

Talia al-Ghul: Sun-Hee Kim, was stolen by semen, from Ban-Ki Moon, who admired Adolf Hitler, for being a teacher of Jewish facts, before the War.  But Hitler, was an assumed alias, of Robin of Lockesley, in Lockesly’s own house.

###: Hitler’s family, wrote the Gideon’s Bible, to kill a dirty cop, and replace him, as a clean getaway.  Charleboises, if cops, aren’t dirty.


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