Police, Criminals, Lawyers, and the Mob (American Homophobia, the Justice of the State)

The archaic police code, worldwide, was invented in the Steppes, by the Scythians, split between Isaac's sons, Gog, and Lam's sons, Magog, the prior the testament to the dead, the latter the legend of lawful codes. This way, you would not be able to summon an army, based on a claim of title, from those already passed, through the speedy and fair dispensation of the deceased's property, to those arranged by deceased as heir, otherwise moving to 'the estate', public domain, without taxed edifice supporting.

It spread throughout the Old World, taking root firmest, in Egypt. Egypt, is where we see the original police code develop, before the time of Christ, the Numidian swordsman, the modern army code, called police code, through Jewish literature, replacing the Irish convention, later finding root in Britain and its colonies, past, present, and future, the concept of freedom from force and manipulation being the ambition of police to protect in all citizens, hence police would make money, as well as those they protected (the support for a military force, through spies recruited from families and tracked in academic contributions, the mutual protection of act from theft of segmentation; a loss to freedom, was a victory for the military state, hence lawyers would control more and the common man would control less, defeating the point of office of any cop).The criminal code, meanwhile, shaped by Egypt, before the military code of Judas the Beggar, the police code also imbued from Egypt, Christ's act of rebellion against the draft and the conscript and the legacy theft of a state or person as taxed dispensation of control of government, is a separate consideration.

Criminals, are expected to live under women's bounds and boundaries and bonds, existing for maternity; hence, Christ tricked Judas the Beggar, into being a homosexual, as well as any concerting, in the rival cop codes of Russia, Eastern, Central, Southern, and Western Europe, save France (Irish), Britain (Irish), Spanish (Irish), Ireland (Irish), and Denmark (Irish) cop codes. These nation-states, allow a large measure of crime, as long as the crime, doesn't serve division by lawyers, hence it is returning control, to those in public population, the prohibition of a legislature, the default position for any behavior, never the legalization to allow a practice; hence, anything may be legal, once lawyer of court is removed, the American code as well, in all of the United States; the contrary, through our British roots, is treated as foreign intelligence, a practice targeted for violating the basic codes taught in highschool civics, the tradition of education - as opposed to secret societies, forbidden, as internationalist, foreign, paramilitary, or hired lawful society outside of tax burden allowed under legislature.

The final consideration, is mobsters. When in practice of illegal police or legislative law, inside America, American police encourage membership in the Mob or Mafia, to determine which press or military or police or professional edifice is targeting a free practice of association in America. The Mob, is run under the standards of German anti-Semitism; prostitution, that given granted title of woman seeking male on rebound, for a date and sex, then returning to pursue a relationship with men, to avoid diseases, forced marriage, and legal entrapment, with a lesbian identity forbidden to have sex with other women or to raise children, the purpose of the female's evasion of the male homosexual label (designed to kill a serial killer, by refusing to vary definitions of gay as pleased) as female, female bigemy, called pederasty to women in America (the woman's act of force or conjoinment of sexual relations with other women, the act upon men known as 'slack', the term for a poorly jawed woman with a mental homunculus of her teeth arching forward, hence they jut out their jaw when displeased, a hysterical personality).

So you can see that the American tradition, follows Isaac and Lam, of the Irish and British traditions, whereas our criminal traditions, follow French legal statutes prior to Napoleon, placing legal traditions contrary to the status of form through American Jews, with the consideration of the Mob as anti-Semitic in the German intent, run by female psychiatric victims, female-to-male transgenders, through police undercover brokers as official representatives.


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