You're either in the field, or you're dead, with American intelligence. I signed on for NSA HUMINT, on a contract to counter INTERPOL, a murder for hire firm that works for the highest bidder, a return to the days of the Cold War and the Russian Satellite States trading propaganda for food. Am I dead, CIA? Three objectives: The Fifth Element and the ASPCA becoming internet startup. Cyber ROTC and the telnet backdoor hack of DC Comics and other military intelligence companies by 4chan for a free internet and fiction for kids, friends, not adults, me. The downfall of the poverty poor myth that gets countries to go to war, the rival press units, all Freemason. Two charities: Birdman’s recording empire for cops to listen to hip hop, a new Motown scene (the concept of a shell company front using a double inflective meaning, a cop callsign as an undercover, from Japan, mythical until I used it; my soccer pass to AJ Doyle to make him the Hiller star quarterba...