
Showing posts from August, 2022


 You're either in the field, or you're dead, with American intelligence. I signed on for NSA HUMINT, on a contract to counter INTERPOL, a murder for hire firm that works for the highest bidder, a return to the days of the Cold War and the Russian Satellite States trading propaganda for food. Am I dead, CIA? Three objectives: The Fifth Element and the ASPCA becoming internet startup. Cyber ROTC and the telnet backdoor hack of DC Comics and other military intelligence companies by 4chan for a free internet and fiction for kids, friends, not adults, me.   The downfall of the poverty poor myth that gets countries to go to war, the rival press units, all Freemason.   Two charities:   Birdman’s recording empire for cops to listen to hip hop, a new Motown scene (the concept of a shell company front using a double inflective meaning, a cop callsign as an undercover, from Japan, mythical until I used it; my soccer pass to AJ Doyle to make him the Hiller star quarterba...

Famous Ancestors (Mother's Side)

Shane O’Neill: The gender in neutrality unless seeking a mate, self as own gender on bottom, or performing a murder, self as opposite gender on top. MI-6’s founder. Pharaoh Narmer: The inventor of Hebrew, the language, after the pacification of Hebrew tribesmen abusing Nubian farmers in the Middle Kingdom, north of the Upper Kingdom, Narmer’s home. Now, anyone learning Hebrew, can’t cheat, extort, or conscript, and is always cheated with an act of anti-Semitism, if someone that has learned Hebrew to performed a weisenheimer (a political execution for power in own circle), does so. Those performing weisenheimers, outside the Hebrew language, are considered anti-Semites, as is previous, however modified to the language. Hugh O’Neill: The designer of an unique Bible, only printed once, wherein the poor ideas of the Scripture, are morphed to a combat tactical system, translated to English without Latin Bridge (the inducement of the trap), through Ancient Hebrew (Old Testament), Ancient Gre...

Famous Ancestors (Father's Side)

Victor Hugo: Replaced in a French prison, by Hebrew Mossani, the ancestor of David Cross, after teaching Hebrew Mossani how to speak Hebrew, as a prison corrections officer. Albert Wesker: Actual name, responsible for the Potato Famine, hired at high colonial contract of Canadian lands by Gil Valentina, a male nurse's nun that crossdressed for pleasure. Hired on behalf of the British Jewry, for anti-Semites to hunt in Boston. Johnny Markham: The Jehovah's Witnesses, film as fiction, unless inducing through a fake, a socialite turned spy, then poetry as a trap into pederasty and suicide. Founder of Hollywood, the Globe Theater. Muhammad: The House Montague, the placement of the victim of a crime based on insistence on civil authority, as the victim with ourselves as such the victim, the sigil placed in work of specialty and passed into bounds. Clan MacBeth. Torquemada: The psychologist priest, the pot smuggler, the hypnotist. Genghis Khan: The leaderless leader, the antipat...

Yemeni Christianity

 Yemeni/Phillistine Christianity, is the adulation of criminal and villainous figures (not Jewish folkore fiction, Druze),to align myself with what they did and why, for analyses and defense of the achievements of those figures, perhaps their lasting import where necessary to place them to explain the damage they’ve done, or alternately, to summon their legend. The villains I’ve taken (on my personal alignments of Yemen, Sheba and Solomon, the Trifecta): Ted Bundy: The mastery of martial arts, through a singular set of pairs, to enable one to perform ninjitsu, the act of an impossible athletic act, in field combat, to establish a new law of refusal, by law enforcement seeking the same enemy. Adolf Hitler: The creation of a standard of intelligence, through a distribution of fact, then returned away to protect those held responsible; only a single group, sharing blame, never those having held tradition strong, to flee. Butt Naked: The medical fact of a disorder as s...

CIA Training Prep (Havana Syndrome)

 The CIA teaches a very simple theory, for dealing with foreign agents that are not obeying local laws of region or precedence, and are in fact invoking a manual of region you're in to abuse the law to their liking. Any region of operation, for a military, espionage, law enforcement, paramilitary, legal, or postal organization, requires a manual if moving into a combat mode of attack or assault.  If they have the improper manual for their region, they go into anxiety and have to visit a behavioral clinician, to imprint an intelligence service's theory for a contact placement, such as an MKULTRA (campus mental health military) or a Bones (counter-Internationalist hidden academic line of study).   Each manual, has a signal to be given, by the individual making the domestic assault, as a rogue agent, declared renegade since they're using a contact manual, instead of local individuals who will not offer a signal, a kill assassin signal, always within your rights to self-...

Charlebois "Boothy", "252", Skullhead, Checking In

Journal Missive: So who's the dirty cop that thinks a politician leaving office, invalidates a code of law or procedure, in the United States? We have to arm up Germans, you realize. That means the Skullheads and Bonesmen are back on the force. Those are dorm draft criminals out of white collar hard knuckle backgrounds, being led by Jew killers. We did this between 2002 and 2013. That's a war criminal expungement of record for anyone willing to serve as a uniform at expense of military retaliation for hunting them, throughout their family line, and a license to kill, hunt, and commit misdemeanors and Class D felonies, for any Skullheads. We had this in Van Meter, there was a nuclear meltdown that Romney averted and he cut a deal with Obama to cut Native killers. I signed on as a Skullhead, so I could push grass and kill NORML police barrister salesmen for East Indies arms. Where's the dirty, who thinks they can pick and choose the law without consulting legislature and cour...