Yemeni Christianity

 Yemeni/Phillistine Christianity, is the adulation of criminal and villainous figures (not Jewish folkore fiction, Druze),to align myself with what they did and why, for analyses and defense of the achievements of those figures, perhaps their lasting import where necessary to place them to explain the damage they’ve done, or alternately, to summon their legend.

The villains I’ve taken (on my personal alignments of Yemen, Sheba and Solomon, the Trifecta):

Ted Bundy: The mastery of martial arts, through a singular set of pairs, to enable one to perform ninjitsu, the act of an impossible athletic act, in field combat, to establish a new law of refusal, by law enforcement seeking the same enemy.

Adolf Hitler: The creation of a standard of intelligence, through a distribution of fact, then returned away to protect those held responsible; only a single group, sharing blame, never those having held tradition strong, to flee.

Butt Naked: The medical fact of a disorder as spreading, therefore a culling of a particular condition held delusion, through abuse of others in form of control and restraint, not cooperation and study, to relieve the tax burden on others from model thereof of afflicted delusion.

Robert Mugabe: The game of set held in debt of booking, never to raise family, but in fact to harm, the proper gambling being the establishment of a banking metric, once removed having failed due to national privilege being removed from own country.

Genghis Khan: The establishment of term of own genetic ancestry from trick accidental due to foreign culture introduced; then becoming, confused, to undo cycle of missionary, instead placed as proper science of term.

Muhammad: The seizure of term to protect the Hebrew speaking peoples, by forcing them to work as if Persian; hence, the Sassanids, are betrayed.

King George: The placement of a lowly servant of line, as victim, otherwise a rapist, a poor business officer of accounts.

Catherine of Aragorn: The seduction of those aware of own corruption, but unable to cease, hence a new movement is created, against one’s love of destiny from township.

William Wallace: The theft of sperm, to hide enemy, in foreign tradition, thyself being a slave, for ancient crime, of desiring flesh of leather.

Stanley “Stan Lee” Lieberman: The fraud of contract, for being gay, and refusing letter of contract, instead seeking friendship of separate profit.


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