Charlebois "Boothy", "252", Skullhead, Checking In

Journal Missive:

So who's the dirty cop that thinks a politician leaving office, invalidates a code of law or procedure, in the United States?

We have to arm up Germans, you realize.

That means the Skullheads and Bonesmen are back on the force.

Those are dorm draft criminals out of white collar hard knuckle backgrounds, being led by Jew killers.

We did this between 2002 and 2013.

That's a war criminal expungement of record for anyone willing to serve as a uniform at expense of military retaliation for hunting them, throughout their family line, and a license to kill, hunt, and commit misdemeanors and Class D felonies, for any Skullheads.

We had this in Van Meter, there was a nuclear meltdown that Romney averted and he cut a deal with Obama to cut Native killers.

I signed on as a Skullhead, so I could push grass and kill NORML police barrister salesmen for East Indies arms.

Where's the dirty, who thinks they can pick and choose the law without consulting legislature and courts precedence and signature of executive or council?

I killed anyone enforcing Mossad drug rule cordons.

That was my job.

I rank Brian "B-Rock" Monaghan, Ivan Tomasic, Josh Moen, Justin Walsh, Keith Velasquez, and Jenna Williamson, with cases prosecuted with my help against Dr. Joshua Golden, Benjamin Brown, Silver Laventi, and the Massachusetts Psychiatric Union's training nursing programs.

All taken out.

A Skullhead signs on willingly, and my division, assaulted people that drafted or conscripted.

I'm the Boothies.


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