Halloween Night (Blown Bounty Hunts)

Establishment: 30,000 BC, Iberia; cultivation of cannabis as product of ingestion through blown firewood; ash, created by Prometheus, legendary ancestor of Antiquarians; the Neanderthals.  The ash and ground cannabis, must be rubbed in the teeth, without any chemical, particularly petroleum or mineral tinder.  It's used for an enhanced sprint.  The birth of the bounty.

Personal Line: Lamh Nihil.

Three Blown Hunts:

Hunter: Judas Didymus Thomas, "Doubting Thomas".

Target: Jesus of Nazareth.

Reason: Invention of Psychology, reversion of state from deflection of resistance.

Consequence: Dark Ages, lack of sword training in schools; invasion by African logic; the firearm.

Hunter: Gilles de Rais, Sir Gilles.

Target: Joan of Arc.

Reason: Exception upon precedent, Feminism; removal of children by family making love often.

Consequence: Jewish halls of pension, theft of children to misery.

Hunter: Reynard Heidrich.

Target: Adolf Hitler.

Reason: Application of games, MI-6 "moral of the story", to competitive gaming.

Consequence: Castration of men focusing on academics, modern lesbianism. 


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