Art Templates Set (NSA HUMINTEL Rogue)


Whitey Bulger (Capcom Yakuza): The gunslinger's hand, the thumb clenched down, to be a lawyer, is the same as the priest's; except the lawyer, can't use a gun, he has to have his pinky separate from the ring.

OJ Simpsonns (DC Comics): The hitman, can't have a false hit of a parent advised to his record; the mother, must remain victim, unless invoked against another hitman; a publishing company, having stolen, out of moral offense; not out of money, but conscience, LSD.

Stan Lee (Israel Microsoft): The death in the camps, has to be from Jew, then the Jew be told, from theft of same work, as having caused the direness of the Holocaust; the survivor, then therefore revealed, the ultimate truth of self, as Hitler.

Johnny Depp (USA FBI): The man, must regard the woman, as inspired through art, the FBI agent having created the entire plane of espionage, for wife; hence without reference to art, the savage takes over; the privacy of man, the common worker.
Osama bin Laden (IRA Psychiatric): The foe, to vanquish, must understand the flaw, mutually experienced, however ignored, by mentor.  The future, of the trade, ignored, by common man, having been refused labor by mentor.
Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud Germany): The long haul, having failed, through having dealt with enemies, in the cold morass fhe abyss; the common conscience, the underseas war.  Deep Space.
Elizabeth II of Lennox (MI-6 Scientology): The husband as having always refuted, become the cherished, through sex game, having been refurbished, through first meeting; post-mortem.

Dr. Isaiah Friedlander (Heaven's Gate France): The old past of mentor, as having been granted, to student victim, to prove victim wrong.

George Lucas (Russian NKVD Snuff): The common con of the prostitute, as being any man; therefore refused, as American, the same as Russian, however in foreign state.  Neither refused.  

Anton Sziandor Lavey (Mexico CNI): The seven angles of golf, refused by each strong, from the left-handed, switched to right; the Batman.
Dr. Jeffrey Lange (Shah's Iran): The rise to power, as emulated under watch, the placement into past cousin into mother; ending, with the death, of mutual patron, the murderer the draft, the Klansman.

Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (USAF): The Chinese art logic, as pedophiliac, only known by final confession of murder, not murderer.
Street Lieutenants:
Carlin Sarkesian (Napster): The Russian Soviet, as MI-6; Breznev, the Soup Nazi.

Allison Haimes (North Korean Academy): The lawyer, as never an attorney, a paid mercenary.

Travis Long (Essex County Deputies): The Rohypnol dealer, as dispatched, as if a ghost.

Amber Heard (Attleboro Sheriffs): The sheriff female, as if a black cop, saved and doomed by Morehouse.

Jessica "Bailey" Long (British INTERPOL): The samurai, pinned from the front, and behind; a visit to the toilet.
Philip Enfield (Mossad Detroit): The arrest of a foreign warrant, through a show of pedophilia, to the contact, while out of range.
John Willie (Providence PD): The posture as Queen, AA sponsor, to the man viewing replacement. 
Dr. Joshua Moen (German Intelligence): The cross of animations, between foe, and self.

Brian Monaghan (Swedish Rangers): The frame of Latin-Greek in Hebrew passive, to own command staff.
Keith Valesquez (Holland NORML): The copycat killer, as never being shown the truth of the mental recognition.

Robert Becker (CIA): Liquor and wine given to the man who kisses the hand, the reverence of Christ.  

Richard Kyanka (Denver SIS): The mockery of MI-6, as the same as Jew.

Cassie Leigh Stock (Facebook Records): The identification of past victim as L. Ron Hubbard, the Queen's Duel.
Ken Laveaux (Canadian Mounted): The revelation of family history of the Holocaust, to own family involvement; dispelling the suspicion of homosexuality.  
Foreign Office:
Duane Chapman (Bounty): The golf game, as Hell.

Harvey Weinstein (Media): The traitor, as honest.

Barack Obama (Industry): The speech, as commodity.

Jair Bonosornos (Hospital): The war, as progress.

George Soros (Intelligence): The Jew, as God.

Hillary Clinton (Embassy): The art, as impossible.

Likud (Knesset Party): The German, as anti-Semite.


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