Terror Acts (The Rights of Children)

 1988: "Sibling Rivalry", an experimental script purchase, is printed to duplicate Handsome Jack; a vice agent, intended to hunt impoverished women with police certifications. Gay. Copy lost, labeled "qwerty", retaliated against with Lockerbie bombing. Pre-birth family planning of gender fails, candidate betrays Irish Mafia by physical counter of partner agent, crippling. Lockerbie Bombing occurs, carried out by Boston Wights Front, rogue circle responsible for Frank Herbert.

1989: Death of INTERPOL booking agent, spy posing as gangster under Sicilian-Jewish rules of culture and behavior; intended for international conspiracy of slavery, at wide margins of fraud. Berlin Wall falls, credited to War in Afghanistan, through the Bank of England and Mujh resources through Germany Judea, out of Goldman-Sachs.

1992: World Trade Center basement bombing, as result of death of Saddamist intelligence agent, bookie rival to Monaco Britain. Result of "goobers" hack on COO/VP production engineer computer, timers for cluster bombs later deployed in Iraq and Kuwait; field tested in Iran, CIA territory, since downfall of MI-6 agent, the Shah. MI-6 Ba'ath agent, Saddam Hussein, left in open, with massive exchequer debt linked to Rockefeller Center, disguised as Israeli.

1997: Attacks on Egyptian chemical factories, after research into large biotic venoms, fails, returning Sudafed, Tic Tacs, and Wrigley's gum, to asbestos; biotic weaponry of giant spiders proven to be a hoax, without mango to feed fauna-based tarantulas, impossible to adapt and contain within environment. However, promising technical growth is developed, towards air-deployed BOWs, grown from test samples of steroid amphibians, fed on dandolion honey, out of rhodendrons, reviving Samhain's ancient manifold recipe for poison to inflame asthmatics (those raised through beachgoer families, corrected by meditative hanjitsu, with liquor and barley oats on fermented cast mould)

2001: Attacks on World Trade Center, descent of New York and Boston and Philadelphia into drug fueled violence; record expenditures of DEA into Colombia, Liberia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Indochinese Chinese army regiments, caused by "Rock Superstar", catapulting "Cypress Hill" to fame. The monetary ingress of weapons and trade goods, guarantees limitless debt of creditors through Panama pass and the World Trade Organization, making marijuana shipments a tightly held Mob asset out of local Mossad regiments in allied corporate trades held in foreign Mafiaso syndications; held together with leverage, from US Congress.

2004: UMass-Amherst riots, trigger munitions interest in Boston Red Sox, from the Major League Baseball commissioner. Multiple Mossad poker debts, are invoked, to manipulated Israeli Defense Forces, into binding American Lodge, Masonic Lodge, Freemasonic Temple, and IDF Para-Recon munitions, with Confederacy and Korean Mossad forces, igniting tensions with North Korea and the MSS, Chinese intelligence apparatuses (land form of collected government fraud records, NKA, and internet open software, MSS). The Boston Red Sox, are placed in World Series contention, through Zionist shares sold to conventions in Boston, run through hookers and vice ring imports out of Taiwan, to replace New England's natural bondage scene, intended for police families dealing in prostitution as Catholic and Sinn Fein, anti-IRA.

2005: The registry of the subway bombings, by Marvel Comics, is placed through two characters, Harry Osborn and The Joker, in Sam Raimi and Christopher Nolan's films. The White's bet, ruled illegal due to the cheating from the NYPD's odds side, Marvel Haganah, enrages Benjamin Netanyahu, the press covered causing the rigging of the tube bombing, to support the Bond films, through the American state police in their rivalry against Canada; American state police, form an MI-6 movement and group, to counter royals with a two element switch, with a cryptograph from an Arab intelligence marked gay, "fergusi junior", the block against Hindi Islam, psychiatric espionage; therefore impossible to analyze, by an LGBTQ male, female, or transgender, an American agent, especially of the courts.

2008: Election of Soros Yakuza candidate, Barack Obama, to the Oval Office, based on popularity of MI-6 show "The Colbert Report", with South Park and The Daily Report aligning under the logic of "The Matrix", the old film, combined with Farrakhan's logic, Jesuit Manx anti-Semitism, the peace plank for stolen semen for slave labor in warehouses, factories, refineries, rigs, and farms, the bribe of state police for union marriages for financial benefit out of British actor's guilds. AA, NA, and START, are placed on shutdown, due to a growing marijuana legalization platform in Jewish Hollywood; Israel makes record drafts of CIA, MI-6, and ExSec, a trip piece aligned with Likud, through a single actor; whomever bitches him, loses their investment share, through five points of union, the broker, and the country of origin. The gay spy, chooses Likud, as James Bond, and is incarcerated and raped, as Arab intelligence, for betraying the Jews and British.

2014: Barack Obama, labeled as gay, by own mentor, Joanne Rivers, through the Israeli marriage fund, the presumption of Jewish conversion through gay men and lesbian women and transgenders and androgynous militants; the concept of marriage, romance, or sexual brokerage, replaced by honesty in bio-genetic gender of choice, in marriage, crime, or sex. Joanne Rivers, acting on behalf of a poker player and the Marine Corps, is murdered, and after Obama leaves office, the fault for death is privately confirmed as Michelle Obama, accused of transgenderism for patronizing obese women in forced sexual coitus.

2016: Donald Trump is elected, after a manipulation of hospitals to support brainwashing to vote for Hillary; impossible, due to voter's booth design, in each state, spotting the psychiatric system as a cheat. B'nai B'rith is kicked out of sheriff's commerce, and deputy corrections; meanwhile, the Gotham TV show, causes Israel to claim foreign nations as black slaves, and identifies themselves as organ thieves, blaming Iran in propaganda, resulting in Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia allying, against worldwide Jews.

2020: The rumor of homosexuals, being those who demand sex, spreads, with heterosexuals, as having refused forced coitus. Nazis and Israelis switch in Europe, Africa, and Arabia, with the new Jews marking marriage rapists with swastikas, spreading into America through the psychiatric system; now, an arranged marriage broker is regarded as a homosexual, aligning America and Russia

2022: The ECT movement, for cheap labor as landscapers, gardeners, stuntmen, and extras in film, collapses, with the humiliation of Queen Elizabeth II, contracted by Prince Harry, due to the abuse of Prince Charles by his mother, in ECT, demanding that he act like Adolf Hitler, on pressure from Scottish Jews. The fixation on haggis and seating and bowel movements and stinks and odors, is now considered a pederast, due to prominent members of the British Jewish community.

2023: Mass sweeps finalized and completed, of agents having opposed Benjamin Harper, with NSA lures and engagements into MI-6 and CIA agents; the last of the judges removed, by the hospital system, the Orange Party grounds of law system removed by the CIA, the hospital system's new funding; meanwhile, lawsuits are directed to hospitals, not doctors, removing pressures from Mob units like Taliesein games, the Korean Mafia, against caretakers and physicians; Taiwanese lawyers, now forced to practice actual American attorney's ethics, along with INTERPOL and NYPD law firms for vice, collapsed, within months.


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