Logged E-Mail (Snitch on the Holocaust Museum)

 So did you know what New England, New York, New Jersey, and Quebec have been doing, since the 1980s?

They've been trying to resurrect Elie Wiesel.

They've been pairing athletic and intelligentsia families with mutual service records, then educating them as state troopers and moving them next to special education Ignatians, Nazis, and seating us next to neurological disorders, in class.

They did this in Iraq, in the 1950s.

They did it for film, gaming, and book research.

I'm a 273 IQ from an IDF fraud purchase father, and a US Navy assassin valedictorian mother.

They wrote me as Sullivan, in The Departed, for being NSA/MI-6 out of the Sicilian Mafia and Imperial India.

They can't figure out that they raised the actual Hannibal Lecter, not the set piece for lesbian police rights.

I have dozens of victims, all police services and their masters that worked on labor exploitation through filed legal clerk.

They think I'm doing it telepathically, because of a confused first year internist.

I use state police resources, to kill INTERPOL heavies.

All of Israel, wiped out, by "Gotham".

The MGM LARP club, shot up by Libra@M3.

Bombings in France, because of GI Joe censorship.

Lockerbie blown up on 7/7, by Finnish Jews, relying on Harry Potter as a cinematic license to create Jack the Ripper, a gay federal agent.


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