Kennedy Miilitary Hits (Pennywise the Clown)

Orange Order: Humvee, Hummer, Abrams, Lancer.  Mitsubishi

FRU: Michael Fargnoli, Robert Scarpato, Cassie Leigh Stock, Cody Keiser, Will Morgan.  Building 19. 

Hamas: Zachary Savell.  Mossad.

Sicilian Mafia: Father Michael.  Greek Orthodoxy.

 Knights Templar: Michael Fleming.  MoveOn.

CIA: Matthew Lennox., Michael Nicol.  Hopkinton Teacher's Union. 

NSA HUMINT: Evan Brooks, Nick Danahy, Laura Gestaut.  Verizon. 

Snakes and Staves: Ryan Gregson, Steve McLean.  Hopkinton Hillers Football.

Freemasonic Presidential Society: Officer James Brennan.  Troit Kennybunkport Madisons. 

Stonewall Center: Matthew Lennox, "Steve-O".  FBI.

AFROTC Quartermaster Operations: Officer Dave MacNeal, Brett Mulvey, Code Pink, NRA.  NSA Patriot Act Second Amendment.

Exxon-Mobil Yakuza Bush Jesuit Society: KGB, Raelians, Israel.  Emancipation Proclamation Black Lives Matter.

Dupont Petrochem: Richard Coughlin, Kara Williamson.  Algerian Union Carbide Desk (Petroleum and Shale).

Sicilian Gestapo: Jenna Williamson, Harvey Weinstein, Gwenn Pratt, George Soros, Ivan Tomasic, Jair Bonosornos, John Washburne, Barack Obama, OJ Simpson, Duane Chapman, Christiano Marisco, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Benjamin Netanyahu.  Skull and Bones UMass-Amherst.

Van Meter Abra-Heebro: Hunter S. Thompson, Insane Clown Posse, Freshman Dorm Status.  Russian Federalist Intelligence.

U: Matthew Lennox, Josh Moen, Bernice Lamb, Kristy Long, Ivan Tomasic, Jeffrey Lange, Amanda Lange, Brian Monaghan, David Carlson, Cameron Carlson, Cameron Hollopeter.  British INTERPOL.

Kennedy Persel Charter: NORML.  NSA.

Massachusetts Law Review Journal: USMC Tourism Services, B'nai B'rith, Essex County Sheriff's Department, MI-6 Child Study Committee, Sicilian Carabinieri.  Boston College Jesuit Studies. 

Star Wars Empire Club: Pink Skald, Patrarca Crime Family.  Apothocos Cannabis Dispensary.

DC Comics Joker Action Team: Israel.  Time Warner Cable.

American Mafia Corrections McDonald's: Fred Tibeau.  Abolition. 

Russian Putinist Federal Guard: Alexandra Rhzanova.  MI-6.

Sinn Fein: Sony Pictures. Morton Salt, Indiana.

Hamas: Drew McAllister.  ITT Tech.

Luciano Commission: Jessica "Bailey" Long.  NAMBLA.

Kin Killers: O'Neills, Charleboises, Harrisons.  MI-6 CIA ULTRA Program (Dachau).

Tanacharison's Belt: Michael Charlebois.  Twilight Zone (He Lives, available on YouTube, radio program).


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