MI-6 Province Codes

 MI-6 Typefiers:

MI-6, works based on theory of food reservoirs, with accountants managed by Arab Crowleyites; prior, by slave Jews, before Aleister the U'Niall's reforms.
Each operating "province", has a prime type of elite operative, with three "cards", managing them.
In North America, it's divided on "zone", with responses to food supply ordered through Parliment tax notations, from the Ministries, in London.
"James": The Section Chief, to the paying Lord or Lady, land held in case of betrayal of James, descent of King James of Scotland.
"Messianic": A Jewish lawyer and soldier, with penitentiary access; a specialize in kosher non-kosher cooking, a poisoner, to deal in disruptive operatives.
"SCUM": The banner stand, highschool level operatives having held class council, in charge of managing British exports for training; film, comics, and literature, the "notes men", and "The Lady", the sibling.

New England (Koran Province): A specific set of royal Knights Templar, is given Batman foe roles, for their special genetic abilities, bred out of the Caspian.
New York (Big Apple): The Cantonese Tong, "Chinese Jews", the major arteries and artillery men; immune to intoxication from alcohol, but with Ninjitsu, capable of designing "toys", electronics and equipment, useful for drunks.
The Greater South (Dixie): Clan Evil's prominent Jewish families ("Juwish"), out of the famous Clans (Lincoln, Poe, Klebold, Knievel, Manson, Gast, Kane, Suse, Lennox), used for the "scavenger hunt", the assignment of Bond film roles by the police performing a "special orders" sheet, including the Section Chief's favorite, "MI-6 has never heard of you".
Texas (Jews): The thieves, cheats, and gunmen, of the Kurds, moving into No Man's Land, Southwest America and Mexico often, ceded to Mexican Intelligence (MS-13 in Massachusetts), for "business deals", to protect commune communities in the area (Mormons, sources of rifling and automotive, for Midwest).
California (The Foreign Office): The Canadian source of control throughout the world, Los Angeles is inverted, in intentional culture filmed and portrayed worldwide.  This is performed by the actor and actress, having competing roles on stage, hence they can't date off stage, and with them all located centrally, it reflects in film.  The hardest criminal offenders go to California, to make their fortune.
Middle East (Arabica): The Rockies, Midwest, and Oregon Territory, this is managed out of Vancouver, as a vacation property.  The damned come here, to die, given free housing and a side job after a prison lift, working in car and auto shops, to maintain woodline industry.  THe lucky ones find their way to Seattle, with an Asian bondage industry, as professional Mafiaso (lifestyle bondage slaves, under a dominatrix, a female attorney with sorority access).
Denver Variable (Old West): Colorado is set aside for cable media, an experimental division.  Anything on Comedy Central, is "Cartman", a sex offender, with the perp walk, South Park episodes, failed MI-6 and their friends, "the box" (psychiatric execution, unless a film, you won so hard you lost, wing commander, little angel star).  Any role is encouraged, besides Cartman, "honour".


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