Medication Roster

 Wellbutrin: Reported anxiety from everyone making fun of me, given Hindu riddle when asking why Ashbob was afraid of infant hands, after eating her cereal and making her miscarry from switching her to me, as her fiancee, instead of Dan Rodrigues.

Zyprexa: Official test phase of drug developed by self, with shrooms and adderral, freshman year, percossets removed, better mix, approved for sales.

Clonopin: A sheet of white high power Clonopin, 3.00 GPA, reported as 2.7 GPA, spotted as seeing the future, Bulger suspects he's been snitched, Billy Bulger panics.

Abilify: Spotted as planning counter-air action to 9/11 through Mossad, MegaTF Quakeworld classic pack feature, spotted as coming up with the unit profile, victims of families offended that 6 planes were stopped, not 10; 11th plane blamed on George W. Bush, by Allison Haimes, not Matt Lennox stopping the plane, by talking Keanu Reeves out of it, age 10, to get his wife Carrie-Anne "marsh" Moss out of jail for harassing a 5th grader, with my assistance, written into "Cracker Jack", in Street Fighter EX.

Trilophon: Given anti-hypnosis medication, to remove mother from infant witness, psychopathic breakdown occurs in the theater for the preview of Mister and Missus Smith, Jenna Williamson mistaken as Alice Charlebois, Mike unaware that Dave survived "The War", Time Cop: Berlin Decision reruns haunting both father and son, unaware of separate viewing.

Seraquel: Ineffective medication ordered by Ivan Tomasic, whose studies indicated that Dave is part Mongol Khanate, and that Seraquel, is slave medicine, from China. Ivan wants to win the Nobel Prize, but did not inform laboratory team, which did not exist; fraud charges suspected, Ivan studies old family calling, Ustashe, for help (has General Montgomery betrayed me?)

Respiradone: Dave goes out for liquor and cigarettes and chips on Christmas, when Triads and Haitian gangsters with cop badges back home told him not to. Poisoned on heroin and ecstasy, CI badge burned, program shut down (a success, all CIA recruited, Dave's code broken, "Crazy Bianco Cobra", more enlistments among Asian-Americans, martial arts shut down, better fighters with white belt training, proven).

Invega: Dave receives bipolar medication for a pedophile, ordered by Mike Sweeney, payment from Chief Prosecutor Kennedy for NSA ULTRA service.

Depocate: Crack-cocaine substitute tested by Ivan Tomasic's Boston laboratory, Obama makes strides with FARC, a new political party; Obama is unaware that FARC, is Colombia's espionage agency as well. FARC didn't know.

Congentin: Parkinson's cure, unnecessary, Respiradone causes Parkinson's, when I beat you up. Takes it anyways, gets me over dust clogs, both nostrils functioning, the sniffles.


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