Dalai Llama Contract (Jimmy Lee, "The Eastern Sun")


Hunter S. Thompson, offended Shinchiro Abe, who called in the debt, to the Dalai, in exchange for vengeance for Buddhist League assassin, Boston division, Uma Thurman; battered women's shelters, Capacetti Family, Falung Gong.

Hunter S. Thompson, killed a lawyer, wrote a book as him, to kill law students, by getting them on drugs, sold by Israeli Mafia bookstands through Rolling Stone magazine, a cop killer magazine from the Air Force and Marine Corps and US Army, who use the USAF as peons, that don't fly planes, the Army Signal Corps does.

Once it becomes a crime problem in Japan, it offends the Japanese Diet.

I posed as a Genovese Family assassin, my mother's line, to move into position as an assassin with arts training, to perform a triple gourd of self-frame, through a false ExSec contract, to kill Ivan Tomasic for Marisa Tomasic, a Russian spy double contractor on the lam for sex and hate crimes against the Irish and the Swedes.

Report Synapse (Failure Nineteen, Spotted, Eastern Corps Rangers, Parks and Deputies, ShangrilaMUX, 2009):

Subject Class: Assassin Slash Artist.

Line Origin: Attleboro Carpet, "Lucky Charlie".

Impersonator: Jordanian Grade A, Genovese Mafia, Assassins Branch.

Training Weapon: Achilles Arch, double imprint self portrait, age nine.

Weapon Used: Black Sharpie Marker; vandalism, three stages (INTERPOL Rally, ExSec Rally, Label on Hunter S. Thompson {"Ferguzi", Cantonese; no more fun}).

Method: Misrepresentation as past profile, target name aligned

Target Name: Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

Hire through Llama: Shinchiro Abe, Japanese Diet.

Exchange: Vengeance against Harvey Weinstein, chemical castration and removal of ovaries, vaginal cleft, and phallus, of Uma Thurman {Capacetti Family, Falun Gong; battered women's shelters

Sold Weapon: Japanese Steel. "Method Writing", personally documented, Pigma and Dengar lines.

Origin of Hire Data Folio: Star Fox 64, unique character engram, age six to fourteen, studied through Microsoft Studios, secondary site appraisal, Berkshire Hathway (US Navy, Cantonese Tong, Hires and Fires, MI-6).

Payment: Jesse Line Offspring, reinitiating Phillistine line of Cancer (Solomon's Knot).


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