Clan Evil (Somali-Caucasian Jews)

Clan Evil, invented prison; they took a tiger cane, a small tiger that hunted shrimp in the river, their allergy, and taught it to chase roaches, inventing the language of "English"; the word, "English", meaning terminology.

Therefore, every corrections officer, is a cat, their protection.

Lincoln: A childhood romance produced, on liquor or beer or a drug, with later episodics prevailing, to sell the product; as consumed, by prime object of labor sought for purchase.

Poe: A man falsely accusing, as murdered, the grave of the accused, dug up, with the fresh corpse planted inside; the accused's grave, removed to places unknown, for artifact, by taxidermist or chiropractor, inventor of arts of medicine.

Klebold: The proper rumor spread, of self, the Golden Gloves boxing champion, challenging those not athletically fit of fist, to exposition; proper combat, that on the field, to escape sought, overseas, to "jihad".

Knievel: The stunt performed as a reverse of deaths of those in lame, that of the prior disaster occured; therefore, guilt is hidden, that innocence of performing being grace of God (the concept of self as child, in Clan Evil), without those viewing guessing the spectacle of massacre having born fate until revenge is met (Blackhawk Down).

Manson: The paid commission of arts, through food good imbibed, until mate is met, that of ultimate writer's prejudice; a stockbroker, seeking to do good for wife, until revenge is found, against that removing rumor on market from journalist's devised, hence the proper share is given to poor and confined, not that seeking to defraud son, or marry daughter.

Gast: The suppression of anti-Semitic sibling, by marriage, to protect the fine man of Gentility, understanding Jewish community. Therefore, to hide the victim, the veteran soldier of war, from jealousy of company, the unbidded veteran of bigotry in own family at having received superior attentions of parents, therefore the weaker.

Kane: The federal agent of media, having surmised the criminal that should be a police officer, but having been cheated of badge and rank, by international policy; hence, the proper candidate, will become the object of heroism, however only upon federal purchase, to make a citizen; unjustly so, in all cases, stealing the blood of a god.

Suse: The knife fighter, born out of spar with Arabs; hence they will begin a business, as cover for mercenary operatives. Those high of prejudice to secret chiefs, their own rank, for work within cloisters of their own devising, to establish a good, as source of power, for pederasts, to monitor and control, to create soldiers out of wars and strife. Death to the Arabs, for winning wager so easily, as to ignore consequence of victory, as if episode in childhood.

Hardy: The police detective's commission, tracking woman of beaten childhood, to produce child of police armament, son, the same source of self, for future marriage. The detective's command, a chief of sheriffs, those meant to hunt spies, as serial killers, others shot in the woods, for interracial marriage without prejudice, those female taken by future remonstrations.

Ruby: The spy, a mercenary hire to invent a new drug, a narcotic, to counter assassin's medic having killed leader, over poor deal with corrupt syncophant of own childhood; however protected, to continue own line of resource of origin, with intelligence service granted under national lands, thus bonded.

Lennox: The Gideon, a never-ending story, Stone Henge, the prize fighter. The victor, having no place, and the loser, determined by having sought a coach to cheat the duel of honor, life and death, invited to monument by promoter, to be a slave an empty space inside stone shaft, the peon to be managed by the hardness, to thieve his place of child, those sprung from his loins, of the contract hire of the pugilist not given privilege.


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