Shakespeare's Medicine (Preparation of Steak)

Shakespeare, worked through Puc Lascerdes, "Puck", "Romeo", and "MacBet", a Montague, the Palestinian Khanate.

A hitman, a doctor, with a trade practiced age 18-20, then adapted for blue collar mastery of prior family, with contemporary trade atop it, the day job, a "thespian" by night, an assassin modeled to make the trade of medicine (fatality of account by force) compatible with trade practiced as adult, within the trade practiced in study

Physician, healing, female apothecary, sales of opiate through same condition suffered, and no more, of course.

Those pair, notwithstanding, to place taught fiction, the art of philosophy, doctrine, within medical care, the university degree necessary for work or labor; unless military, the argument's victory insisted outside trial of jury, the belief in dog's tongue, Arabic, instead of Urdu, justice of courts, against Hebrew, the linguistic for reversed tongue of guilt.

There are three moves, for the consumption of steak, the trade of the doctor.

Scalpal: The knife from the side, the placement of a piece of meat, on a flip.

Scuff: The knife lifting from the front, the knuckles, having placed the meat, under sight.

Hook: The placement of the knife, into the top of the meat, for the fork, from the left hand, only possible in confidence from the sinister, the royal, the benevolent. Otherwise, the knife switched, the less confident, the evil man, the dexter, creating more work, per the order indicted; the fatass, the right handed.

On top, we have five forms of meal.

Worcestershire: The placement of Scottish sauce, on the steak, so the desired, will not be played upon requested, from the purchasing party.

Pasta Sauce: The placement of pasta sauce, as a fundament, beneath the pasta placed, for proper mixture, so the sauce, will not interfere, with consumption of grains, the boiled substance of pasta.

Kosher: The mixture of beef and lamb, instead of with pork, the additive of parsley, lamb's meat, instead of taschim, veal, for the prodigal son, the Jew's meal at age 18, unless in presence of anti-Semitic sponsor met, the veal of baby cow eaten, to slay woman of same gene as anti-Semite, the man or woman striking on head, buttocks, or back of hand.

Palestine: The pure pork hot dog, ordered with ketchup, found and hidden at seafood restaurant, if serving the people, not the "snob", the common "snort' if spotting "Gentile", that individual in casual dress without shaped identical of child, the common bigot that insists on likeness of parent and child. Often on a children's menu, if mixtured with thyme and garlic powder on thumb after meal, liquor enjoyed, then removed of heart fixture, for healthy blood, the common assassin.

Frankish: The enjoyment of a custom industrial lathe, in defiance of Gaulic homosexual, long replaced since German induction of France and Italy into Holy Roman Empire, prior to the poor days of the Reformation, the Lutheran anti-Semite. A cooking method, enjoyed at home, custom to own needs and own reason, without the monitoring of outside forces, the privacy in home. The poor's opposition to state, within heterosexual marriage, with the violent challenge to those opposing freedom of homestead, in favor of control by military; the latter the pagan, the common molestation of child.


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