List of Tricks from Jerusalem (Family Genomes)

Numidian: Put a rock in a shoe, and throw it, at a priest, near a building you want demolished.

Ostrogoth: Claim you have a condition, you are immune to, for extra assistance, and get labeled Jewish, to remove yourself from mausoleum care (cop candidacy), guaranteeing police support, through marriage, adoptive, and step family.

Ismaeli: Indicate that a piece of architecture, is a remains, of a destroyed building, to kick yourself out. It will be rebuilt, with your name on it, to give you a souvenir, for your entire family, to hate; making you powerful, through children's literature, of your easiest victims.

Khanate: Determine where the information is coming from, that something is in a circle, instead of in rows. Then blame it, on being 'too competitive', and proposition it, to your best friend.

Frankish: Figure out whom in your company, equals the enemy, then crash them into a plane, but switch the names of the victim in the plane, and the ground commander to link up, in the deployment roster, for a head of state.

Nihil: Always side with a cop, on a gambling bet, unless you have the badge, then claim whomever wins, threw the fight.

Phillistine: Invent a term indicating you are of a hidden sexual practice, then indicate, it is for absolution. Then, join the military, of the rival of whomever patronizes you

Blue: Devise a system, where the meat room, is illegal, on top of a hill.

Kurdi: Determine whom is spying, against Israel. Then hanging them, as Israel

Hedderson: Put yourself in a book, as Russian. Then pass it, to a Naval veteran, with a nickname, like "Pasternak", attributed to him.


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