Gori Agents (Van Helsing)

Tanacharison: The identification of agents pressing fraud, as corporal surgeons claiming police license; hence identifying police, as medical agent. (Assassin's Creed)

Booth: The identification, of those attempting quotient of test, to place in care of wealthy, as poor, based upon intent of act necessitating psychiatric barrister; none given of purpose of test. (Quake)

Whisker: The difference viewed, between Irish as king, and Irish as Slav, however, sent from Britain, after offense to Jew; winning battle against Breton or British, not through honest asylum in English isle. (Resident Evil)

Oswald: The creation of a brand as necessary to steal, hence the application of loser, test already viewed, alcoholic, boycott already in family, and wash, removed from history as fictional character, viewed through eyes of Swede. (Doom)

King: The notice of management, as slave, hence any consumer, was leadership, in terms of positive response to firm, the further pressure of promotion, hence family, as trap at low income job, with promotion through proper work at academics, at upwards utility of age, not trap of prison inmate having failed same such test. (Super Mario Brothers)

Sirhan: The notice of police officer arresting self, having frauded self at own order through bank teller; through view of local programming news, held secret at false documentary, influenced through Jesuit of order, hence news was false in reversed report of import, to program subject matter labeled to control recruit of police in locality of political mayor's logic. (Pac-Man)

Jung: The notification of score of track, athletics, as unknown for police officer qualification, hence placement in arms dealership, as cartoon, by other arms dealer, labeled as Canadian Mounted; rather an uniform service, but uniform as name of wearing, actually a standard police federal, rather than a secret office name of state, controlled by own uniform officers as being the oversight byzantine of orchestrated force below. (Burger Man)

Simpson: The scholarship as necassery to pass, not to win, hence any placement of logo, is endorsement, admission of tantamont guilt of state; any such rig, a support of collector's item, the lowest admission of achievement, hence management over monetized sum collected of single in billions, but through tens of thousands, extended through abstract of economy, hence all sum of college, worthless, given athletic achievement in film or notoriety, through label on children's product. (Wolfenstein)

Charlebois: The view of circus, as draft of innocent, to serve convict, through notice of demographic upon software as essential, as test of compliance; therefore, any system of limited rapport, is not for open data, but rather for lack of mirth, the intelligence infrastructure to destroy a politician, through loss of life, through word applied, in ancient antiquity, creating an evil, through language applied to dictionary, removed upon consolidate, in common word of rumor, the high castled ivory tower of artistic claim to control poor through readership, not actual ability; therefore, ability of poor impossible, all art to be ignored in favor of finance; control of own family. (Halo)


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