Yazi Amin (MI-6 Cleaning Services, First Gen, "Metal Gear")
Solid Snake: Yazi Amin, a USMC Hollywood investment doctor, top of his class at Lejeune; incarcerated in Levenworth, for being enthusiastic about the Vietnam War, under Nixon, publicly called a "butcher", along with his unit. An MI-6, the Irish division of the British Empire, "military intelligence". Metal Gear, is a Catholic piece, with all his levers and decompresses, to kill him.
Gray Fox: A Mossad operative, refused to command, direct, or control, otherwise Solid Snake has lost, he has given orders to a Mossad, violating British congregant with Israel, the survivors of the National Socialist cause, switched with the Talmud in the death camps, the survivors of the Schulzstaffel, a secondary switch because of the Charlebois family and their similar names, the Kurdi-Khanates, the Cowards, Liquid Snake.
Dr. Madnar: The FBI, a police unit charged with saving anyone framed as another past alias by a criminal, police, or journalist source, in those three classifications of removal from power under arrest warrant in method of purge. Solid Snake, cannot use a past profile with a foreign contact, a control of law, or a rumor print, and if he does so, you've defeated Solid Snake.
Kyle Schneider: An American mimicry of the Japanese Yakuza, the Yakuza placed in control of Japan by Douglas MacArthur, and copied by the OSS survivors of Europe and Indochina and China, then formed into the CIA. A CIA agent drills to place themselves overseas, from college training, military service, or secondary school, protected by the Clandestine Force, the mercenaries serving as criminal networks overseas, Kyle Schneider. Solid Snake cannot place a bar or remand on a CIA servant, without Kyle Schneider coming, to "kill him", "waste him", or "inbar him", grieving wideness of fact in case decrimination (truth of offense, to potentially kill intruder, hence a potential ally).
Roy Campbell: The Rossi Family, or affiliated unit, at present time, a local radio station with an university undercover placed at the station of his base of location assigned to kill a politician. Roy Campbell must be used to place an operative on the list, to assassinate the politician, with a narrow window, a "timer", the FBI term for an open contract, under Presidency, at risk of his life once he fails, ordered to do so by "Black Parliament", the Victorian Order of Jews running the proper criminals of his American locale, in family terms, not the overseas intelligence, that which the Parliament is charged with purging.
Master Miller: An IDF prosecutor, Master Miller is a veteran of any color or race, claiming different bloodlines of variance through children, the IDF unit being involved in any police task force, working through an overseas union in government through the Bank of England, the Belfast IRA's IRA finance terminology paired and unique to operative available to Master Miller. If Master Miller's child, kills an operative, Solid Snake must repair him, or lose a Miller.
Kio Marv: A Native, Latino, or Afro-Carib economist, Kio Marv has mastered farms and agriculture of the ancient ages of migration and theory, and cannot be exposed to a haze based on four humors, eating, or Semitism, otherwise Solid Snake must deploy to hunt and murder, through homicide, the culprit doing so, to burn Kio Marv as a serial killer.
Holly White: An MI-6 journalist planted in a Catholic, police, or Jewish paper, to reveal their inequities, they are charged with analyzing the secret dispatch culture of the paper, then publicizing the works of the ownership of the paper to outside stations of logic, while overseas. Solid Snake must recover Holly White, each time an operative "burns" her, to one of the other two units, until all three side together, and the paper collapses as an enemy of China, through its prime media element.
Gustava Heffner: A falsely placed athlete, actually a model or prostitute or media personality, she is planted in an enemy unit, as a pornographer's model, charged with assassination of rival women, for media victories in private. She is retrieved, by MI-6, once the enemy unit overruns her unit, and then moves back into Solid Snake's control, through her parent; otherwise, the parent is murdered, having killed his child, since Solid Snake castrated the parent.
George Kasler: A major imprint license and retired police veteran, from a private school, he's in charge of dunking a district for Rabbinicals, by placing the "charter school" isuse into play, to make police international academy training free, forcing impoverished students into careers as police commandants and soldiers, expecting Kasler's military career. Solid Snake has to arrange the psychiatric analytics and procedures on students, otherwise the program is burned to the press, as the "Harper Valley PTA", the old redneck song, and all the children go into the Marines, in "fodder" units, beneath an "actor soldier", a comic book writer training in "posture proofing", getting his unit killed for serving under him or alongside him.
Johan Jacobsen: A smuggler agent out of Tibet, Japan, and Wales, this is a servant of the samurai, the hermaphrodite gene, moving rare species for the samurai for their pleasure, samurai paid by eating rare animals (such as the Tibetan delicacy, panda, a favorite of Princess Diana, of Britain). Solid Snake cannot offend the World Wildlife Federation, or else his SDF help is cut off, and MI-6 will demand one of his family members castrated or sued.
Revolver Ocelot: A "cowboy" out of the Plains cattle tradition, the Rockies mining tradition, or the prairie homestead tradition, they are part Mestizo, and dislike rustlers, claim jumpers, and grangers, the flat top ranchers (they steal herds if viewed in public, claiming religion), the priesthood missionary agents (they introduce economics into the mining camp, for a system, however the mine has an unique system outside of mimicry or placement into mine), or unions (the homestead works on a simple top soil rotation, not a 'novel', a new idea written by someone unfamiliar, such as "Little House on the Prairie"). The Midwesterner, must be claimed as fellow Midwesterner, or else, Revolver Ocelot will be offended, and cease service with Solid Snake, before the leak is plugged in MI-6 that Revolver Ocelot has produced.
Otacon: The video game index, if Solid Snake is written into a video game, Otacon, a child or marital parnter of Solid Snake's family, must plant a poor game relating to Solid Snake onto the market, with the MI-6 leak producing the piece, before being taken down by Solid Snake. The game, must be postured as Solid Snake, however as the leak.
Naomi Hunter: A target of MI-6 for assisting an MI-6 leak in escaping, he must use a KGB chemist's note to induce a terminal disease, then blaming it on the MI-6 leak, using the MI-6 leak's highschool training, then killing the teacher responsible before testimony can be had.
Meryl Silverburgh: A potential asset to be murdered, Meryl attempted to join MI-6, but was failed, for having no British Imperial residency in family, when joining, and is classified as a mobster, and eliminated, through a state hospital, in exchange for treatment for a corrupt politician's political movement.
Mei Ling: A federal advocate, they are framed as having a law degree, instead of being a booking sergeant, and financially ruined, by an MI-6 agent, for defending a leak in court or under deposition.
Johnny Sasaki: An alias of anyone on the internet or at an university, a gender flip is selected and then postured as by Solid Snake, so he can posture the victim as "black", without typing African ethnicity specifically. He can then attract a "dud", an African student, to use as an assassin, against a misclassified MI-6 leak, playing out a movie with a shooting, to incarcerate the African assassin as a shemale.
Donald Anderson: A murder victim of Solid Snake's, planted on an MI-6 leak, at the beginning of the froid, the term in French for a cool relation on a drug deal; the MI-6, has found to have defected to a national intelligence outside of British Commonwealth standards, and is now a hunted resource of the IRA, hired as mercenaries in exchange for a trade deal of prisoners, through the Catholic priesthood; the murder victim, is written as movie heroes, through the exploits of the live MI-6 leak.
Psycho Mantis: A psychologist as an MI-6 leak, this one cannot be diagnosed, analyzed, or touched, or else Solid Snake will face a fraud finding, as another character in rumor, assisting other MI-6 leaks after escaping.
Sniper Wolf: A police officer as an MI-6 leak, they cannot be medicated against their will, or else charges will be filed against Solid Snake, resulting in a police haze, with a mug shot posted in a police website or distributed among families of the military.
Vulcan Raven: The child of a musician, they will posture as Solid Snake in gaming and acting, and if offended, they will assert Solid Snake's identity publicly, embaressing MI-6 recording talent.
Decoy Octopus: A genius MI-6 leak that's been mistaken as special education, if asked to continue as Solid Snake, he will be offended, since he has no interest in the military, having defected to the IRA.
Liquid Snake: Liquid Snake is another Persian Immortal, Clan MacBeth, often a Charlebois, Charlize, Charimeyer, a Lascerdes, a Wilcox, a Mercutio, a Montague, or especially a Tetcher, the high crown of England sitting, King Charles III. If found as an MI-6 leak, no personal information can be shared with Liquid Snake, because they will spot the proper information given, and use a method of public information, to out the "Yazi Amin" name and background piece offered.
Natasha Romanenko: A tool that poses as a disaster survivor, they fake a disability, actually a victim of a sheriff's deputy's son, when underage, a "Naci", hooked into a "Cagney", a deputy's informant, with no name on record, because they've been diagnosed as homosexual from poisoning a canine, then later, their own child.
Kenneth Baker: Any given salesman, they are given an arms contract, in exchange for placing the MI-6 leak's family as security clearance, and if already invoked, then Solid Snake has lost, having removed a British contract, for Israel.
Jim Houseman: An IDF, Jim Houseman postures in public in range of an MI-6 leak, attempting to recruit them; if failing, Solid Snake is victorious, however if the MI-6 leak has been touched by Natasha Romamenko, Solid Snake loses, since the deputy has paid the contract through the MI-6 family's license, and it is posed as Israeli. Solid Snake hired a pedophile, as a minder.
Raiden: An African family married into the MI-6 leak's family, the children become mercenaries for Solid Snake, through playing the Metal Gear games, and programming Catholic, then discovering and deciding how to inherit materials produced by the MI-6 leak, for a new MI-6 training license of private method, to kill MI-6 leaks, and counter the Metal Gear video games.
Rosemary: A female operative of a Jewish knight's family, they are set up for a frame in a film, and if Solid Snake needs to, he can pay off the frame, with a child to raise, if she can arrange a husband. The child, is used as an alliance, with the Rockefeller Center and Jewish Orphan's Fund, slaves to talent and media and lawyers, such as hair stylists for talent, living in slum closet equivalent homes, such as state police envoys.
Olga Gurlukovich: The mother of Solidus, Solidus Snake is a new character, someone that manages to aid Solid Snake, then analyzed through Olga's therapy treatments and outreach to her son, that Solid Snake must stop, or else he loses another operative to the Catholic Church's writing and gaming programs for control levers over MI-6.
Vamp: A Southern KKK Overman, posturing as Eastern European; the product of a mother eating a child's feces after he's died from glue paste consumption from losing a fight as a child to a civil rights family, an "Old Son of the South"'s funeral, a Klavern. He postures as the origin, of the new Solidus Snake.
Fortune: A woman marrying into a Hollywood civil rights marriage, having spotted the MI-6 leak for Solidus, recruited because she's been sexually rejected over being a lesbian, and preferring dramatist and gaming culture; Solidus is very loyal to the games and art in general.
Fatman: A muscular artist and weekend warrior, he'd rather watch TV and make fake philosophical comments than work or fight, not understanding that being offensive, is philosophy, and that TV, is how you analyze whomever is hunting you, picking your viewing per your danger profile. He has a lesbian parent.
Solidus Snake: A child that's been selected as an MI-6 profile for training as an intelligence deal, he gets to go on a sport hunt, of an MI-6 leak he's created himself, before he is executed, along with his wife, when his child reaches the proper age, by an actor, a "grish", from Britain, who will study the children and then have sex with them, homosexually, making them into a new MI-6 "series", such as happened with Solid Snake's line, in Levenworth, as well as the MI-6 leak that Solidus Snake has selected; they're after a single athletic skill, that Solidus Snake has, hopefully passed on to child, otherwise a collegiate "Ghandhian", a shemale or transgender cop's pass, a "Jennifer".
Sergie Gurlokivich: A "grish", this is a homosexual actor, Jewish, male or female, from Britain, trained at Sandhurst since orphan sperm steal, a "primogen"; they are grown anew regularly, from sperm and merged genome with mothers and mating and affairs, and are charged with assassinating Solidus Snake, and having same sex conjugal affair with Solidus' child, to term them into a series lead, given them their signature trick, from the actor or actress' career.
Scott Dolph: The literary theorist, a vicar, he has an encyclopedic list of past legends, along with the case studies of the sexual trauma that created them, for creation of new soldiers for MI-6. Solid Snake can't pick up a single profile, or else he can't use that particular induction method for Solidus Snake, and Olga wins in the rival medical unit.
Peter Stillman: A movies analyst, he compiles a list on Big Boss, Colin Powell, for a rival, and if he reveals Scott Dolph, he wins, having found the camera trick in the game, to use a Wikipedia list with a betrayal of "Dad", the one who flipped him rogue out of a romantic rivalry with a "girl", his father suspecting him gay for being an MI-6 US President, from listening to Bob Dylan.
Richard Ames: A currency agent that Solid Snake has to chemically castrate, before Richard Ames discovers that Solid Snake has fraudulent degrees, actually trained in Israel and then Missouri, intended to kill Natives and Mestizos, Revolver Ocelot, as part of the "Dune" books program.
James Johnson: A major author that has to be anointed as a literary figure, they have to be trolled by Solid Snake, before one of Solid Snake's victim's do, or else the author isn't marked as an 'anti-Semite', so MI-6 will read him as a circumscribe, a way of getting around a local inquiry.
Emma Emmerich: A female MI-6 in a staged kill, this was a suicide from achieving such notoriety, that her own education cipher trapped her, in a Biblical motion as the Virgin Mary, a suicide switch built into the Bible, making the MI-6 child into an MI-6 leak.