Un-American Foreign Syndicates (Organizations, Not Culture)

The American syndicate, is the CIA.  They are accountants, prohibited from gun ownership in third cousin or narrower (the standard contract per permit, of the entire civilian espionage force), and any arrest without contact of lawyer, either being arrested or pressing charge.  The CIA, clears jurisdiction outside of sight or site, of foreign or local syndicate, or paramilitary body, their duty under organization founded.  They are modeled after General Douglas MacArthur’s Japan, the Yakuza, a foe of the Japanese Mafia, the Catholic Church; a non-profit body, encouraging tracking on behalf of syndicates listed below, all enemies of the state police, outside of union rules, unions being the corruption identified by the classification of the Teamsters, federated labor, banned under the Narcotics Act, the conjoined pooling of monetary finance of family, finance, town, or business, a racketeering offense, classed under the foreign crime syndicates listed below.

Foreign Syndicates:

Irish: Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous tips, to poison a man's career, under good trust of false logic.

Russian: The force of individuals into minority logic, to sword rally votes.

British: The defamation of economic forms, if aligned with Eagle Scout, through racial slurs applied.

French: The accusation of sexual defamation, for refusal of homosexual sex in case of changing of woman approached.

Israeli: The censorship of work produced, in challenge of morals of equality egalitarian, not libertarian commerce of purchased politician.

German: The mockery of own figure bought and sold in number to foreign state, out of rivalry of defeated military effort.

Arabian: The false accusation of treachery international, for discovery of superior system impossible for states of poverty.

Iranian: The challenge to laws of American attorney, through public defamation supporting those ignorant.

Palestinian: The common suit of men, on behalf of women, those abusing suits of court.

Spanish: The bigotry to leave area, if having incorrectly informed child of false status of fact, to make child blind to truth of father's own passage to child.

Portugese: The passage of African ignorant, through Jews as conduit of slavery.

Italian: The assumption of prostitution, through claim of man having failed job of office, and placed into halls of teacher.

African: The offense at notation of cheat by politician supported by foreign government, and the claim of victory at trial by juror won by foe.

Chinese: The exploitation of own labor, through abuse of immigrant migrant to own foreign country supported by trade politics.

Japanese: The support of own system, at secret expense to other, through understanding of own culture ignorant among services, through "anime".

Korean: The concept of corruption as refused to listen through man refusing crime in trade of dishonor, instead placing false education of office in support of own foolishness of women of own blood, "slants".

Vietnamese: A public ouster, after having discovered flaw of mother, at fatherhood of victim.

Latino: The claim of own spouse as victim, when aggressor to spouse, however through public show of pederasty when applied to child of stolen identity having observed.

Swedish: The ignorance of common people, for child's goal and false fear of self, when applied to other in accusation.

Finnish: The replication of tragedy against those more literate, through molestation of people through own failure to match atrocity observed by own public figure declaimed as other, the shame of futility in governance.

Greek: The reference to own feces as sacred, the lira market.


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