Reforms to American Police Unions (The Andrew Lloyd Webber Case)

Duane Chappman: You think it’s appropriate, to pursue a rape felony, for beating a cop in court, offering paid request because “his kid could get raped”.  That kid goes to the psychiatric hospital, forever.  Fraud.

Harvey Weinstein: You think it’s appropriate, to claim credit for mother’s hymns, for writing a work of art that you recognize from religion, because “you stole this from God”.  Your work is gibberish, and I hate it.  Rape.

Barack Obama: You think it’s appropriate, to steal semen for the future wives of state troopers, to deliver live human babies, to factory, farm, and technical positions, as arbiters of the first strike in a war, being the innocent party, because “we need brighter tomorrows”.  You side with bullies, and you’re an extortionist.  Corruption.

George Soros: You think it’s appropriate, to have me humiliated and hooked on drugs, for failing a youth society you put me in, to make me a “spy” instead of an intelligence officer, the prior being hunted by police counter-intelligence anywhere on the planet, the latter police counter-intelligence on a federal level, because “you’re not up to the job”.  You’re a Japanese mobster, and the Japanese Mob puts that guy in a cartoon for being a prick.  Snuff.

Jair Bonosorno: You think it’s appropriate, to spy on me with cleaning ladies, to put me in a psychiatric ward for being high IQ and assuming that my house isn’t a model of the entire community being identical, so we all don’t have the same job, doctor, because “that’s what a real man needs”.  You’re a cheap Jew, and you’re nice people, so I feed you beef jerky and your bowels explode inside out.  Larceny.

Hillary Clinton: You analyzed all of the above, and you can’t figure out why it’s illegal, to have a firm business, as a police unit.  So the songs, combined with Elon Musk’s “007″ films, gave you the Jethro Tull bassline, but a pull-off gave you the guitar riff, from “The Beautiful People”, by Marilyn Manson, and now you have brain damage from trying to work it out with a flowchart, like the guitarist that had to play it for years straight on tour.  Jackal.

Benjamin Netanyahu: You’re Batman, you did Yaphina.  Whitey.


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