My Associates from Harvard, Essex County (The Sudbury Boys)


Justin Walsh: Trained as a USMC cosmetic hygienist.  Dropped out of Marine training after orientation and icebreakers, charged with the sexual assault of the sister of Dan Cheeseman, future lead singer of “The Pogues”.  Joined the Mossad, after the allegation that Dan Cheeseman wasn’t Jewish, for informing the police of the home invasion, attempted murder, and rape of his sister, his beating, and the murder of his mother, while serving as a police support officer for families (the Fraternal Order of the Police).  Dan Cheeseman was expelled from his Synagogue, on United States Air Force orders, paving the way for Justin Walsh’s career in hiking and outfitting supplies, to spot aliens, in the woods, on my advice.

Ivan Tomasic: Son of Russian diplomatic peace agent. Dr. Boris Tomasic, USAF satellite telemmetry, Ivan Tomasic attended UMass-Amherst’s biology program, the veterinary science program, to be a cardio-thorassic surgeon, with his huge, monstrous grip, a disability overcome with pride and courage during his job in highschool at an ambulance technician, coming face to face with death many times; as Ivan would tell you, its not feet of clay that makes you see yourself, but hands of steel, the grip of the cold heart of Croatia.  Originating for the Klaverns of the American South, claiming New York heritage because of his favorite character, “Batman”, a British pot dealer with the New Jersey Mafia, he learned from me how the Catholic Church worked, with Adolf Hitler; as if a Lutheran cage, invisible, without Hitler able to escape, an electric dog collar for a grown man, advised by his wife Eva Braun, a woman with smelly feet from wearing high heels instead of boots, a fake dominatrix (a rape tube).

Ryan Cunningham: Heir to a computer design fortune, and trained in computer management, office international communications, and mainframe design of computer systems for the Department of Defense, Ryan Cunningham found his home in America, from his native South Africa, to be a charming and quaint place, perfect for pot dealing, the beating of Dan Cheeseman for stealing safes he didn’t steal, and of course, his friend and future wife, Abby, who raped him in his sleep and stole his sperm; she felt a job as a ski instructor with broken feet, was far more respectful and honorable, that the United States Senate, and Harvard PD agreed.  He once was told to contact the Triads, to sell Dave Charlebois, myself, marijuana, but the Fitchburg Postal Office, didn’t think it was very funny, that people from overseas aren’t racist, so the cops sprayed the bag with PCP.

Christopher Sweeney: The descent of President George Washington, Christopher Sweeney is a monomaniacal genius, obsessed with the Boston Bruins, his family invention (Skoal chewing tobacco), and of course, the love of the factory, with his philosophy of “just do it”, applied to each person on his line, as an industrial engineer.  Having made the acquaintance of Dave Charlebois, during a “bandit robbery”, attempting to steal a load of coal with pure hashish under the tarp in an eighteen wheeler, he’s found Dave essential to his schemes, as both are Presidential blood, with Dave’s direct relative, Madison, and his cousins, Kennedy, Polk, Bundy, Marley, and Booth, preeminent.  He fears Dave’s old stalker in MI-6′s International Monetary Fund, the ace reporter that holds the DC Comics management compendium’s entire history of character and theory, fearful of Oswald, her family, the man that performed a perfect sniper round, by giving JFK a cigarette with cocaine lined out on the top - “niggers on a sunny tuesday”, as the Ottomans and DC Comics call it.  Booth’s secret, “flavor country”, the swap of two prison inmate cops, is different, a peanut butter sandwich, Skippy and Wonderbread, no jelly, with a Marlboro Red, in high sun on the neck, is much sought after.  It’s how a man, disappears, into another man’s claim of fame.  They say Lincoln, ran away that day, to be the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Joshua Moen: The result of an affair between JFK and a lesbian dominatrix, and a relative of Albert Fish, the House of Plantagenet, removed from power by the War of the Roses and placed in British Knighthood, Josh Moen wanted to be an economic journalist, working at a warehouse, reporting sales goods to corporate and other firms, as a traveling salesman.  Now, he’s an endocrinologist, playing out his dreams as House, the TV character, a Jesuit role teaching anyone who steals TV to be a Robutussin Juggalo, with House’s insights, lines written just for him by Jesuits, former police who went down for rape and murder, but were given pass/fail degrees, to help the police with their crime problem.  Lupus, Dave predicts, will be Moen’s downfall.  Jamaican Jerk.

Jeff Niemera: A 4chan mod, and corporate spy, Jeff Niemera is a psychopathic personality disorder, as evidenced by his 1600 on the SATs, a perfect score, prior to the raising of the ceiling of SAT scores, found racist by Asian-Americans because a lower score means extra help, and a better career, in management, unless you get an 800, you heard about the 1600 rule, and wanted to be a police officer (a DPW worker is what we give you, probably the crew tech, what passes as a manager - the guy that preps the equipment).  Jeff Niemera is a Tuscan Gypsy, specializing in the lira market, to cheat on you, with your wife, and fuck her gently, to discover your flaw, alienating entire restaurant chains for the Canondroga, by ordering lobster sauce from Chinese restaurants when he isn’t on the phone with them, in someone else’s home.  Luckily, Dave buys lobster sauce with shrimp inside the container, the actual lobster sauce.  Despite being banned from pork fried rice, because Dave’s old attempt to lose his virginity wasn’t a hooker (until the discovery was made, in Dave’s flaw, and multiple orgasm analingus and doggystyle was discovered), Dave still quite enjoys local hotspots.

Masha Sheineina: A medical student, and a real life doctor, Masha was cursed with a man’s name, that Dave once attempted to correct, by spelling it, “Moesha”, on his phone, by Ivan was quick to correct him, knowing that it is very important to respect our forefathers, as both Gentiles and Jews.  Masha was Dave’s contact at Brandeis, for a couple years, on Dave’s longterm operation to keep drugs out of Harvard, by getting Masha’s entire drug dealing posse robbed by Lincoln and the “News Zeppelin”, his hypnotic transer array method of personal oration over a drug deal.  Now, Masha has to have a salary, and work at a hospital, and despite being overly pleasant and never making a medical error, they won’t let her be a dental hygienist.  She’s actually good at her job, marking her as a failure in medicine, and a mobster.  Dr. Golden had a similar problem, when he went to prison, and kept setting up sexual assaults, despite wanting very dearly to serve in the Vietnam War.

Kristy Long: The identical twin of Kelly Kathleen, Kristy Long was attracted to Ivan Tomasic because of his freakishly large penis, still held within Lotus Position, making it even more ridiculous and huge.  Despite getting fat because of the size of the penis (and mysteriously matching Kelly’s weight, a simultaneous increase), Dave was somehow attracted to Kelly, but not for the right reasons.  Kelly, worked at a video store, and the Charlebois “Batcave” resource, is Blockbuster Video, shut down by Quentin Tarantino, the Riddler (a Rabbi posing as a Catholic priest, a pedophile).   Dave was briefly made her comic book expert,and Dave was consulted on the meaning of the character, “Batwoman”, a flirt thrown at her by an African Hollander Jew, with a bowler hat.  The company in Amsterdam, hemorrhaged trillions of dollars, and Kristy is now a CIA agent.

Ben “B-Rock” Carl: King Penny, a local hacker out of Fitchburg College and a sandup comedian, posing as “Brian Monaghan”, a local lawyer bullied by the Mob, came into Dave’s life on the freeway robbery.  B-Rock, is an MI-6, Canadian Mounted Patrol veteran, the organization fronted by the Carnegie Institute.  Involved in a scheme, to make Anthony Hannigan famous and rich, by killing the actor meant for his part, “C-Money”, and then replacing Zsaz, a part meant for Headhunter’s actor, with Crispus Allen, Franklin Spencer, a Marine and DC Comics fan who has no idea that Dave Charlebois, isn’t the Joker, his favorite comic book character (Franklin’s favorite character, Dave Charlebois prefers Heathcliff, the children’s cartoon for the Montreal Mafia, MI-6′s “scotch” division of grass dealers, Bruce Wayne).  The real Crispus Allen, dumps a body on you, for a homicide charge, if they suspect you’re a politician, that hasn’t been paddled, by a female state senator.  Dave blew that shot, by seeing Mistress Lucinda, and busting her pimp that carved up a runaway actress in the basement while Dave was fucking, releasing George Lucas from his contract, a similar frame, with the same pimp’s father.

Cam Hollopeter: An Uzbeki framed for a pie insult related to Calvinism, by Josh Moen, also known as “Cryogen Bison” on M3′s early days, Dave came to M3 to avenge Cam Hollopeter, the battle growing so fierce that it made it into Borat, the film, with Uzbeki Jews being called “assholes”, Moen’s powers mighty.  But not as mighty, as Lupus.  One blow, is all it takes, for Batman to kill you.  No matter how long the battle lasts.

Stephanie Tomasic: Ivan Tomasic’s little sister, and an ardent pro-life supporter, she works at Planned Parenthood, killing the children of the poor, for being pro-choice, and refusing arranged or trapped marriage.  There are real abortion clinics, but Planned Parenthood isn’t one, evidenced by Kevin Smith featuring Planned Parenthood policy, in Dogma.  Stephanie Tomasic, escaped all reprieve from Dave Charlebois; until she realized it was Green Arrow, an affair with the First Lady, Dolly Madison, and by Arrow’s Light, the Viennese Dragon she feared in her sleep, was her own brother, recruited by Dave Charlebois, as his Bowman.


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