DC Comics Attleboro Cipher File (Williams Theater House Comanche)

 The Rules of School:

There are five classes, ascending, of Rogue, in the comics universe.  There’s the jibberjab, that isn’t Batman, this guy made an error.  There’s the Batman rogues, each of these is a type of intelligence from a corporate group, national movement, or world leader.  There’s Superman, this guy broke the rules, he gets real fat, because of the grocery store (Lex Luthor, Hungary).  There’s the Batman chief, the guy in his intelligence circle as a rogue, that’s in his proper country.  And then there’s the levels.

The Levels:

Cop: You watched educational programming, congratulations.  You spotted a dangerous trend, and stopped it.

Spy: You saw a documentary on a real TV show, about a spy from your country, and wanted to join up.  Someone drafted you, as a cop, and you didn’t like it.  You didn’t figure out Batman until you deployed, then Batman got you, and he’s after you, time to close the shop, kid.  You died.

Lawyer: You appeared on stage, awesome, you know theater theory.  You know that when someone steals your stuff, you can take it any time you want, unless you’re stealing from a spy or cop.  Now you have free stuff, but you work all day, why’d you go to grad school?

Economist: You got involved in a criminal scheme, but it went bankrupt, are you some kind of narcotics officer?  You walked right into a class for your economic form of specialty, and you got at least a B.  Did you meet with the economics professor?  You fail.  You figured out what the majors actually do, except for economics.  Now you can’t be a mercenary, the professor trapped you.  You wanted sex, didn’t you?  With a lawyer, spy, or cop?

Politician: You got involved in a military unit, and you realized, this wasn’t the military, this is all queer.  You figured out, that serial killers get letters in prison, from children and crossdressers, posing as women, and you were going down that road.  You labeled everything queer, including yourself, and now, it’s a financial model, to make a ton of money, for your organization, your country of service.  You some kind of terrorist, Mister President?

The Rules:

Origin of Technique: This is where you’re from, you need a documentary on your founder.  Not who you work for, but where your technique is from.

Loyalty: This can be anyone, but remember, your home country always has a pull on you.  That’s the rumor when you die.

Childhood Moment: You did something creative, when you were real little, that got you to listen to your parents, and they were good guys, they had a kid, a penis and a vagina.

Race: You can be from anywhere and work for anyone, as long as you’re willing to sign on.  There’s no race or religion in service, you’re the games warden, you make sure nobody cheats.

Politics: Politics are social, that’s how people talk.  You aren’t picking national policy, you’re picking the best leader.  And if a guy is cheating to change national policy, you’re number is up, Marine.  You’re dropping, Mister Johnson.  Welcome to the Scum.

Leadership: Your home country of origin, if you choose that class, has the sucker’s spot for you.  You’ve been hunted by demons, your entire history, that’s why you work here.  You’re the top boy, the boss.  You don’t run the office, but people think you do.  That’s Batman.  He’s a bad guy too, and there are other Bats, but you’re this community’s source of inspiration.

Sidearm: This is your primary mode of training.  You went through a period of live action, that was actually your training, and when you thought it was over, it started.  The hardest test of your life, is picking up your weapon.  It’s never something in your hand, but your hands always do the job.  The blood work, the real trade, crime.

Techniques: You have a very simple trick, that works some way that’s famous.  You always have three tricks; your ally, Robin, who is given your sidearm to be famous, your defense, the shot across the head to Green Lantern, the theist, and your women, the thing that you remove from yourself, until you retire and have a kid, shamed for having missed that last sniper, your woman.

Method: This can be anything, that you’re armed with, in your field service, even if it’s a grocery store, or maybe even a criminal syndicate with the most power in the world, Comintern, the Communist Internationalist movement.  This is how you fight.

Mentality: The print in the book is just the famous blunder one of you made.  Unless it’s you.  Then you’re back in, kid, the Gods forgave you.  And the Gods, are DC Comics, the bullpen, the gamblers, that want to watch a good play on the field.  You’ll forget all of it, eventually.  But not the next kid.

Superman: You’ve broken a rule.  You have a food attraction.  Bad health.  Maybe you’re supposed to go out that way.  In which case, Superman is God.  Lex Luthor picked you to die.  He lives in a little village, somewhere, making pretzels.  Not the salt, that’s from you.  That’s the sick, insipid shit you support, Hero.  That’s the slave trade, of your own children, stolen from you on some escape, drunk and asleep, in some mine, as repayment for your sins and greed, by Gildsmen, Sauds.  And before them, Babylon.  Muhammad is a man of peace.  He wishes you’d stop.  He invented heckling.

Abattoir: Parole.

Actuary: Betting Parlors.

Agent Orange: Skulls.

Alpha: Sicilian Mafia.

Amygdala: FSU.

Anarky: DARPA.

Answer: Psychiatric Union.

Architect: Bodega.

Bad Samaritan: Non-Aligned Movement.

Baffler: NAMBLA.

Bane: Brazil.

Barbatos: Reptile Donjon Victim.

Batzarro: Clubhouse.

Black Mask: Viet Minh.

Black Spider: CRASH Counter-Narcotics.

Blockbuster: Outfit.

Bookworm: Adult Video Awards.

Bronze Tiger: Yardies.

Brother EYE: Big Blue.

Bruno: Mad Pride.

Brutale: Contra.

Calender Man: Mental Health Advocate.

Captain Stingaree: Ku Klux Klan.

Cavalier: Scientology.

Catman: Wales.

Catwoman: Britain.

Cheshire: Cheerleaders.

Charlatan: Broadway.

Clayface: Vatican.

Cluemaster: Camorra.

Clock King: Red Power.

Colonel Sulphur: United Nations Multinational Counter-Terror Executive.

Condiment King: Sports Union.

Cornelius Stirk: Postal Service.

Copperhead: Stonewall Center.

Crime Doctor: Russian Mafia.

Crimesmith: English Mob.

Cypher: Royal House Luxury.

Dagger: Morgue.

David Cain: Shaftingsworth.

Deacon Blackfire: Homeless Shelters.

Deadshot: Rod and Gun Club.

Dealer: State Police Rackets.

Deathstroke: Church of St. Alms.

Doctor Aesop: Watchtower.

Doctor Death: General Electric.

Doctor Double X: Film School.

Doctor Ebenezer Darrk: Intelligence Psychiatric.

Doctor Hurt: Air Force Press.

Doctor Moon: Police Psychiatric.

Doctor Zodiac: Pornography.

Doodlebug: Turkey.

Dollmaker: FOX News.

Electrocutioner: Teamsters.

Egghead: National Democratic Commitee.

Eivol Eikdal: Parochial School.

Emperor Blackgate: Church of Satan.

Enigma: National Organization for Women.

Eraser: AFL-CIO.

Executioner: Houses Corporate.

Façade: Gentleman’s Brothel.

Film Freak: Castro Cuba.

Firebug: French Royal.

Firefly: Italian Royal.

Flamingo: Hispanic Barrister House.

Fright: South Korea.

Gearhead: Publishing House.

General: Double Agent.

Globe: Jewish Mafia.

Gorilla Boss: Australia.

Great White Shark: India.

Gunhawk: Armenia.

Gustav DeCobra: Unitarian Church.

Harley Quinn: African Union.

Hatman: Internet Liaison.

Headhunter: Criminal Police Union.

Hugo Strange: United States.

Hush: FBI.

Jane Doe: Hindu National Intelligence.

Johnny Warlock: Field Research Writer.

Joker: Ireland.

Joker's Daughter: Scotland Yard Game Theory.

KGBeast: Soldier of Fortune.

Killer Croc: Germany.

Killer Moth: Mexico.

King Snake: Amish.

King Tut: Sephardic Jewish.

Kirigi: North Korea.

Knightfall: Corrections Informant.

Kobra: Law Professor.

Lady Shiva: British Volunteer Rifles.

Lady Vic: Black Parliament.

Lock-Up: Sheriff’s Deputy.

Lord Death Man: Zaibatsu.

Lynx: Law Academy.

Kite Man: State Police.

Madame Zodiac: Astrology Espionage Signals Column.

Mad Hatter: Spain.

Magpie: Booking and Bail.

Man-Bat: Campus Medical Study.

Maxie Zeus: Arabia.

Merlyn: Boy Scouts of America.

Mime: Hasty Pudding Society.

Mirage: Magician’s Association.

Mad Monk: Knights of Columbus.

Mr. Freeze: People’s Republican of Communist China.

Narcosis: Taiwan.

NKVDemon: Provisional Security Council.

Nocturna: Comintern.

Nyssa Raatko: Palmach.

Onomatopoeia: Cable Television.

Orca: Special Education Teacher.

Owlman: Grand Ol’ Republican Party.

Penguin: Israel.

Penny Plunderer: Yugoslavia.

Poison Ivy: Skaldic Catholicism.

Pistolera: Alternative Lifestyle Female Domination.

Professor Ojo: NORAD.

Professor Pyg: Hollywood.

Prometheus: Marvel Comics.

Proteus: DC Comics.

Ra's al-Ghul: Buddhist League.

Rag Doll: Tibet.

Ratcatcher: House of Saud.

Reaper: Mossad Gang Intelligence.

Reverse Flash: Catholic Clergy.

Riddler: Russia.

Roadrunner: Vengeance Gang.

Savage Skull: Selectman’s Council.

Scarecrow: Italy.

Sensei: Circus.

Sewer King: New Jersey Mafia.

Shrike: Chicano Power.

Signalman: Salvation Army.

Solomon Grundy: Hispaniola.

Spellbinder: Canadian Television.

Spook: Iran.

Talia al-Ghul: Schultzstaffel Paperclip.

Tally Man: Gambling Commission.

Thanatos: Insurance Law Journalism.

Tiger Shark: MENSA.

Trigger Twins: US Marshall’s Service.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee: National Football League.

Two-Face: Japan.

Werewolf: Major League Baseball.

Wrath: Axis Powers.

Whisper A'Daire: Police Vice Patrol.

White Rabbit: Scottish Laureate Guild.

Ugly American: Phillipines.

Vandal Savage: Presidential Freemasonic Society.

Ventriloquist: France.

Victor Zsasz: Holland

Zebra-Man: Educational Programming.

Zodiac Master: Jesuit Order.


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