Criminal Maneuvers (Collected Notes)

O'Neill Shysts (Plus Custom Samurai Edge):

The O'Neill Shyst is proved in honor, on the battlefield.  It must be discussed, by moving backwards, then to the custom weapon developed, for each O'Neill, their Samurai Edge, the mark of an Irishman.  It is the culture of the grifter, the Shyst, particularly their Edge.

The author's online grifter system, for computer exchange, is a simple set based on the principle of the Batman character from DC Comics.  A fictional villain is selected, then postured as an authority or law enforcement figure, or otherwise heroic in the forum where deployed, so when that particular figured is forcibly or willingly disengaged by an opponent, the opponent will take the shape of the fictional figure as a criminal.  This marks them as a self-induced fictional reference to a fictional villain.

The system of the author, a custom deviance, is the Room Mate Swap, taking Dune 1, as a burlesque congregant instead of the individual targeted for death, the fetishist, and using Dune 6, the book to kill a fetishist with gay rape, to take a Dune 1 character's thanatos death, the compulsion to match a character death, with an entanglement called a Murbella, after the sexual entanglement, always following Scytale as Duncan Idaho, then switching by completely evading the Dune 1 reference and using a lure for the other party as a child prostitute, a reference to a children's book (fetishists want to kill themselves for being into children, so just reject the entanglement, and you've stolen Scytale, the narcotics officer).  Zazen is necessary to use Dune 6 Duncan Idaho.

The Unitarian grifter is based on Charles Manson, the concept of taking a personality, any of them, and inducing the other party into catching them, poising themselves as an authority figure, so a concerned citizen will frame themselves as a criminal.

The Wiccan grifter is based on Samuel Johnston's maddening psychosis at being outed as a cheat after cheating the trivium to get into his university system.  He assumes himself a fictional character of his choosing, even in his own mind, then frames himself as a pedophile, giving salacious gestures to the opposite figure in the work, forcing them into his own position to defend against pedophilia, his portrayal of the character.

The Golden Dawn grifter is the Bohemian, the lone hero, considering themselves to be good and all others to be evil by circumstance of misnomer of culture, to allow one to be grifted in inversion of personal culture, all thieves inverting the inversion back to the contribution without consideration of family share.

The Voltaire grifter is the Bastard, the poor interpretor of atheism and enlightenment, believing refusal of consequence from corruption to be lack of education (protip: if something bad happens to you, you're stupid, you listened to Church, why didn't God save you?).  The bastard is used as a foot soldier, a toyless old man in a young man's body, elsewise he destroys society by attempting to lead rather than the survivor of a fodder campaign by virtue of his own aspiration to art, and of course the luck and chance of survival, his sought purpose in the first place.

The Muslim grifter is the Hound, the loyal friend, to be used for information, then discarded when it attempts to take the bed.  The attempt to enter the bed with the Muslim, is recorded as a political espionage skillset, to be given to other Muslims as a cheat to enter a system after the Hound's method of self-destruction, from being unwilling to refute a Muslim's arguments, is shown to be the flaw in the Hound's rules in the first place.

The Christian grifter is the Judas, the informer, who believes themselves to be evil, and nobody else, the affirmation of one's self as understanding (the villain) and the accusation of molestation to all others in the community (all others are heroes), to be used as a source of information about territory before being discarded.  A sociopath.

The Roman grifter is Hercules, the child of tragedy, to be raised as a champion and then betrayed for historical lesson when the inevitable occurs.

The Greek grifter is Heracles, the adopted child, to be listened to while being plied sexually by parents and being encouraged to strike other children, until destroyed for their violence to others with castration in some manner, and their form given to warriors.

The Jewish grifter is the Ischim, the madman thief, to be stolen from and inverted, the assumption of using Jewish culture being that of theft, meaning that a new practice of Cyrus-era folklore will be added in the Egyptian Lion of Judah's territory leverage scheme of extorting Ethiopia that Moses concocted while mad from Sinai mushrooms, exposed to while fleeing through a bog of them that all the Hebrews thought was the Red Sea after the incident.  

The Aryan grifter is the Bull, the narcissistic male, the man who considers himself solely for the purpose of mating, to be castrated when he refuses the humiliation of a poor female friend.

The Hindu grifter is the Foe, always in another, never in self and marked as black, Africans when around brothers and blind never grifted by another and deaf the watch bird always surrounded.

The Scythian grifter is the Phoenix, the self, stealing from self unless defeated, then allowed to be grifted by another to be reborn, the most sacred form, the true Irish.

The Samurai Edge of this man, this Kennedy, is the variable fraction, the murderer hunter, a pair of numerical quantities in a fraction tracking a third concept (consequence), each a potential reverse of concept, to engage and disengage from any behavior, to make one formless.  

It works in a set of one over five (first induction of X), two over four (second induction of X, twenty percent increase in Y, non-marked in Z as actual however checked for potential third X induction), three over three (third induction of X, compulsive if sixty percent increase in Y from second X point, marked by Z as first increment unit from), four over two (compulsive induction of X within sixty percent increase of Y, one hundred twenty percent increase, two hundred ninety percent compound, marked in Z incremental as second confirmed), five over one (X is now a perceived pattern, three hundred seventy-five percent increase, six hundred and five percent compound, marked in Z incremental as third confirmed), six over zero through ten over zero (outside of Y, necessary to hit 10 as X to break certainty, behavior is now pure Z consideration and demarcated, based on increments of Z, all variable due to masturbation behavior of men, hysterical behavior of women).  

If the habit is not disengaged, after engaged, or altered, to confuse long division user (compulsive behavioral personality, illict model), long division form will ensue in self, with own remainder as imaginary number, necessitating a modified Nil (authority around user, zero within zero) as a set of imaginary number around imaginary number (altered engagement around disengagement of original form), for a quantum transfer protocol.  If a man cannot break the compulsion, he can no longer attain any form of sexual desire.  If a woman cannot break the compulsion, she can never remain calm.  Unless, of course, the X variable is sated, in some form, the level of release correlating to the form used against the perception of pattern, after the tenth X term is discharged.  

The pattern, to be calculated, in mathematics form, with necessary pairs, could be seen as:

1/5 2/4 3/3 4/2 5/1 6/0 7/0 8/0 9/0 10/0, %20 %30 %60 %120 %375, with Y changes being tracked as %60 %180 %605, from points 3 4 5, with %60 from 2 to 3 as increasing from 1 to 2, %30, as the deviance between 1 and 2 of the top integer.  Your tracking margin is Z, not stated in the equation, matching percentage increase of Y.

Example: Halawa versus Afghan Labor Camp, or, alteration of Halawa strategy to face contra-national opponent in foreign region, two examples, three study equations.  X is investment of financial bullion, Y is increase in families adjoined, Z is increase in terms of investiture (contractual endowment stipulations, endowment over time).  The opposite, is X is return of financial bullion, Y is decreased in families adjoined, and Z is reduction in terms of investiture.  A Halawa is the prior, an Afghan labor camp is the latter.  An alteration of the Halawa, to pattern alter to evade a foe, is X is investment of financial bullion, Y is decrease in number of families adjoined, Z is increase in terms of investiture, a consolidation of political power - building of a new mosque to draw in the prior form, Halawa, now a seperate fraction compulsive.

Example Quantum: The X, Y, and Z, have a single characteristic reversed, as the enactor mathematics nullifying a complete reversal of every characteristic on the negative side as a benefactor, a standard +X = -X, a quantum longform quadratic, the standard of the Editor's commodities formula, or any Mestizo that heavily imbines alcohol and hasn't been chemically sterilized.  This could be, the financial bullion, is being devalued, while the families adjoined are increasing, and the investiture contractual endowment stipulations, endowment over time is increasing, occuring as the mosque's bullion basis is devalued, the families are removed, and the endowments are lessened, meaning, the compulsion to build the Halawa has been removed and the need to expand is now gone, and the mosque leaves the community.  The linked variable, in this case, is the devaluation of the financial bullion, the necessary precedence of the deal, struck with an investor involved in the mosque.  

The Black Wizard of the Curio Shop (Mr. Skeleton):

The curio shop is a system endemic to the arts, the use of an artistic piece for criminal units, organized crime, and the disaffected wealthy who wish bloodsport.  It is the concept of removing a ledger, a work of art, from society by mass acclaim, under the illuson of misuse, so a single holder of the game that initiated the censorship holds the only master copy - the curio.

A work of art, an acting manual, a sculpting trick, etc., is taken, so the incorrect model, is framed as an innocent man or woman, when the real incorrect model is the individual initiating the game as the correct model, the individual that wishes to hold the ledger.  This is called, in European myth, 'running away to join the circus', becoming a black dealer, a wizard.

Dozens of texts and techniques about the arts are in the hands of black dealers, operating enterprises called 'curio shops'.  Curio shops sell useless junk, except for the backroom, available to organized crime and wealthy patrons, with techniques struck out of existence used for crime, with a recognizable pattern in the arts from prior pattern and failure to duplicate, an 'antique'.  These are artistic patterns that create great ballads in the name of the evil man that uses them, supplied by a wizard.

The wizard is created, every generation down, by a parent that believes a business acumen, is a gangster, and they are forced into the arts, with two siblings, the second sibling becoming the source of the new child, from 'uncle', the holder of the ledger they are attempting to strike from the record to make rare.  The agents hunting the pony, the one they wish to shoot, use a detached carnie morality, that of the gang syndicate member whose family has left and no longer understands the test to avoid police, however responds to it.  It is equivalent to a Triad without their 'pips', from family line, their attempted jobs in their strata (profession), having rejoined the Triads as a 'bag', a staffer or employee at a business.

In the circus arts, the bag is called a carnie, the ideal operative, reported back by the 'dupe', the sucker, that thinks they are earning esprit from the game, when it is in fact the sibling that earns the monetary profit from the circus gang.

The Magician's Trick Shot (Rodman and Teller):

Every magician has a theory beneath their play, that destroys a gambler (a man who destroys his resistance to witchcraft with money, to cavort with children) and shields their proper trick from these gamblers.  Dennis Rodman, Penn and Teller, Harry Houdini, they employed one trick, a piece, their entire careers.  The trick must be a philosophical form from their own understanding of life, that each trick is based on, to shield the trick from the audience, and destroy the unwary.

Dennis Rodman operates on the logic of transgender disorder, victimizing anyone that would rape a feminine or creative individual.  Behind the scenes in the locker room, where the gamblers play cards, he adopts the 'shark' strategy, gambling for money, with a bet to humiliate himself as a woman (a rape victim to an athlete pedophile), if they take his bet with an 'achievement' gamble, some sort of trick of meaningless nature, that is nonetheless difficult.  If they achieve the gamble, after making the bet, they won't lose their ability to play ball, from becoming a pedophile (an individual that regards the rest of the court as inanimate objects, making plays impossible).  However, if they lose, Rodman marks himself as a woman, they become a pedophile.

Penn and Teller target the 'divine presence' theorists, knowing that God, in religion, is one's duties, with Free Will as one's rights.  Each trick is a divine presence intonation that is actually a symbol, the proper God in religion of each descent since Africa.  If an individual fails to see the symbol and believes Penn and Teller to be practicing actual magic (i.e., they aren't trying to figure out the trick, they believe in the honor of a magician), they cannot see the trick, and they become a ranting, raving moron, a priest psychopath.  If they are shielded from the trick by not understanding it on a single viewing, they are safe, and if they understand symbolism, they know that it's a simple carnie trick combined with a little high-priced technology on a hire, standard criminal practice.

Houdini operated on Shakespeare's biographical theory, that Shakespeare was an addict because of a Freemason, and a manipulated moil, later married into the Freemasons for money.  Each trick, was marked as a forward placement, and only Freemasons spotted his tricks, therefore they believed Houdini was a fraud, which everyone of course already knew, he was a stage magician.  Each trick was a simple trick of athletics, a Freemason being unable to deduce them, since a Freemason's father forced them into a fight with a Shakespeare until one of them defeated the Freemason, becoming the victim and patronized poor man's artist.  Freemason after Freemason went to the grave converting to seance logic, being conned by the fans of Shakespeare that knew the secret - Shakespeare was never a thief, just the people that read his Sonnets and believed otherwise.  Shakespeare's last, grinning revenge, summoned from beyond the grave, like Houdini was summoned from beyond the grave with every seance.

The Editor's magic trick functions on video game forums, online LAN networks, roleplaying games, hack'n'slash telnet servers, even perhaps one day fiction forums.  The editor poses as Batman, however in such a manner that they treat the leader of the forum (etc.) as Batman (performed by simple act of getting the forum administrator to cheer for the Batman as Batman sympathizing with the villains in criminology), forcing them into the position of the Joker, with deepening levels of intonation the deeper they are into the comic series.  All the Editor's friends, depart one by one, to ally with the Joker Gang, a group of Merry Pranksters, making friends in Hollywood, each one earning false acclaim as an author taking work from Batman, the editor's true identity, believing the editor to be Joker, while the group of Merry Pranksters believes themselves to be Batman.  This takes advantage of the inherent paganism of clique culture, the group of individuals with secret signals that refuses to share them outside their circle - Anti-Semitism.  Eventually, the Batman is kicked out of the bar as the Joker, and the cycle repeats, with a Joker Gang positioned in authorship as the Batman Family, protecting Gotham City with anti-Semitism, Judaism being internal anti-Semitism to exploit the external world as being against them for mimicking their perceived signals - the origin of pederasty in the Old World.

The Six Core Characters of Batman (Zazen, Hebrew, and Arabic, Shaping Characters):

There are six core characters to the Batman franchise, all six of them 'twice-born' (Witches of Endor, such as Knights of Romulus or African pagan cults).  These six core characters, prior to a fast (a knockout from conspiracy), are all precognitive, and can see the future, being descendents of twice-born (twins born from a mother that grew up in the wilderness, the neurological window to learning linguistic relations with other children closed).  Once fasted, one has a Superman character, placed based on their original Batman character.

Batman: Zazen.  Transitions to Lex Luthor, upon fasting. (You cheat Bridge.)

Joker: Hebrew.  Transitions to Superman, upon fasting. (You don't understand progress.)

Riddler: Arabic.  Transitions to Parasite, upon fasting. (You steal your ideas.)

Two-Face: Zazen and Hebrew.  Transitions to Jimmy Olsen upon fasting. (You're gay, but heterosexual.)

Ra's al-Ghul: Zazen and Arabic.  Transitions to Bruno Mannheim upon fasting. (You work for aliens.)

Scarecrow: Hebrew and Arabic.  Transitions to Doomsday upon fasting. (You carve up Greys for the government.)

Once again, all forms are required to be a Twice-Born, prior to transition into a Batman or Superman character.

Jolibois Hebes (MI-6 Shyster Contracts):

Five Hebes exist in the rolodex of the Jolibois mariners, legendary mariners of French-Austrian descent.  Two for British intelligence, the Dreadnought and the General James, one for the Merymaker, the Raccoon, and two for the French, the Rue d'Rivy and the Shanty.

The Dreadnought is a method of clearing a port of corruption by producing a magnificent vessel for the Church, far too grand to be a flagship and without the veteran sailors required of officer's and artisan family.  Too many cannons, too much rum for the workers, so they complain and the harbor master's corruption is cleaned.  The Jesuit Black Ships, that sold Japan their gunpowder, is one such example of this MI-6 contract.  Not a fleet engagement tall ship, but rather an intimidating presence.

The General James is a method to close a method of contracting in an extended family of tradition for a century or more, by allowing a national landmark to be produced by the contractor, in a poor location.  It is arranged through appeal of poverty ethnicity of the contractor tradition to a federal government body, not MI-6 of course, through invocation of state statutes on nationalty presumptive of citizenship, despite lower class.  The White House, and the expulsion from African-Americans on Deep South housing, is one such example.

The Merymakers are an organization of English-Jews who require anti-Semite victims to face, to drum up support.  The Raccoon is an End Game, a Land's End, a Hostile Zone, where a deliberately narrow set of qualifiers is placed for a potential infection site arranged by a humid weather condition and a large population with insufficient food, manned by Jewish doctors sent under provision of the Trinity of the Faiths, in a Catholic administration.  This results in anti-Semites in small groups, being dispersed to urban centers, for the Jewish groups to hunt and purge en masse in support of immigration from pogrom sites.  The Potato Famine, and the Grosse Island Massacre, are two examples, the latter of which was survived by only one group, the O'Neills of Boston, with Sgt. John O'Neill of Boston PD, late 19th century, calling himself 'Commissioner' to Jewish petty thieves (insulted by being called 'Bug'), causing the resistance to the capitulation of New England to Greys - the creation of the Mafia police agencies - to come into existence.  On one side, I am Albert Wesker, a Jolibois.  On the other side, I am Leon Kennedy, a crooked cop for the right reason, an O'Neill.

The French government occasionally employed the Jolibois family for social political action, with two systems, both business.  

The fourth system, the Rue d'Rivy, involves taking a criminal business cultural model, and introducing a rumor of a rival model having a better trick than them (fictitious at first, of course).  This, the pitch goes, requires the mass distribution of the model as a new enterprise, however the improved trick is given to the rival model before production, creating a need for the now mass-produced model to novelize the now legal trade and use their old standbies.  The character Varley the Vampire, a method to accuse Gentile families of pedophilia by mass distributing a myth of parents being ancient families of vampires harassing their own children, is an example, introduced to the French Jewry as an enterprise model for the Jewish trade manual system - Varley was summarily given to the British, in the Penny Dreadful circulation.  The Jewish trade manual was used in the spirit of the Phantom Creed, the original Jewish model of community and alliance - the policy existed to approach the most worthy family for marriage in guise of business and demand shellfish consumption be ceased, and if refused, the business demand, sans shellfish, was accused to he been unfairly put on the Jewish community, among covert allies, until the business policy was dead and all the shekels (pawn alliances) were collected into the community.  The result of the trade manual affair is comic books.

The fifth, the Shanty, was for the French Catholic Church, a poverty reform meant to target social ills.  This is the Shanty, a method of taking an illicit business, often from overseas, and structuring it as a reformed model meant for social community.  This was performed by taking a notorious criminal structure from another country, then organizing it with courts and religious organizations, with a single method of lethal enforcement to any rulebreakers with a double-catch, a convict and a cop.  The Master of the House from Les Miserables is one example, the Chinese brothel turned into what we now call the highschool make-out party, Burlesques, with poor actors and actresses, in their early teens, performing for other teenagers, all rich and sent by their parents, to marry, with a knife artist, portrayed by Victor Hugo as Cosette, as the means of criminal enforcement against any pedophiles, with the method of a blowjob until the cop showed up and cut that guy's neck open.  Marriages were mandatory with your partner, and the stage always required consent.  The convict, of course, would have an automatic shot at Mother Superior, of criminal personalities in a boy's school, or nothing (incarceration for knifing someone pre-Burlesque, often a rapist she conned for money and a possible court charge if he was rich).

The Greek Naval Legend, the Trojan Spy, Counter-Intelligence, Field Strip, Blockbuster (Superman, Batman, Lex Luthor, Riddler, James Bond):

The basis of the military is the legend, originating in the Greek military.  A legend was constructed regarding potential battle plans, either a play or small story or song or poetry, before the depravities of Apollo and Hero Worship, the Corinthian system of logic prior to Christ and the villain.  If one followed the direct legend and story, they were bound for land, not the expeditionary force, the army, an individual that used intuitive meaning behind the legend in lessons and demonstrations in class of acting form, selected for using sword strokes instead of cutting motions with the hand.

The basis of espionage is the double fold, originating in Trojan warfare.  The double fold is both the legend and the intuitive meaning, taking a legend recognizable as a shore duty, marking civilian, but an intuitive meaning indicating expeditionary force, hiding as a soldier.  In this way, one could disguise themselves as a poet from a rival culture, when in actuality the individual was a soldier conducting field operations under alternative meanings to the legend, however connected when in candidacy, marking as a spy, the class of spy matched by the height of recognition - requiring a legal but audacious review.
The basis of counter-intelligence is the forward engineer, originating in the Iliad by Homer.  The forward engineer spots a strategy, and analyzes it forward, finding the error made by their own countrymen, then backwards, finding the action of the enemy.  If cautioned forward to one's own soldiers, they defeat the rival, if cautioned backwards, they cause literal meanings among one's own soldiers, the prior designated as a strike force, the latter a police force.  Hence, the forward must be for public review, the private only for an analyst.  The second stage, is the use of the strike force, to eliminate the enemy intelligence team, using their own technique, with the reverse engineered strategy as the commander's review to eliminate the strategy from the enemy by reducing the enemy to literalists, domestic insurgents within their own country.  The final strategy, is the insertion of the false story into one's own culture, with a single hint, the duplet (the Trojan Horse), as being used against the enemy, actually the enemy's tactic, in the form of the legend with the double meaning variant being the actual legend complexity itself.

The basis of police work is the field strip, originating in economics.  A teaching model, composed of two factors, the directly monitored, the resource, and the calculated by means of example, the variable, is stated, with the calculated in actuality requiring research.  The learning model is applied, instead of the complex model of force, removing the second factor, the variable, so the resource may be countered as one's own forces would, in a match game, for domestic intelligence, also known as police assault forces.  Commonly and incorrectly called the Myers-Briggs, Reaganomics, or Supply-Demand, this is actually a graphic converter, using the resource acquisition identical to the calculated enemy, to match another foe by eliminating one's own source of research, therefore using one's own resources against the enemy research, cornering the enemy's resource chain with the advantage of one's own variable already calculated on a seperate model, force deployment, the domestic intelligence having an analyst seperate for the intelligence model, of course being the police chief, unaware of the actual inversion of the model by necessity.  The X is both field resources, the Y is both variable sets requiring calculation of resources to match deployment, and the Z is the police chief, one's own personal advantage to calculate one's own Y, while the two X variables are matched while one's own X, nullifies the Y of the other force, since there are two X's and a Y against the enemy grids, an X now without the Y, both X's being the same but the second Y nullified by the Z, the inclusion of a Y on another field of analysis.  This is called surprise.

The basis of black propaganda is the blockbuster, originating in religious mercantile politics.  A set of spectrum concepts, a fiction is produced in the event of a successful mission, with a number of variables involved.  The first, is the test of a pederast (a direct application of plot, a potential terrorist), meaning one gets arrested for a ludicrously insane stunt if applying the plot from the film, work of art or beauty, or book, rarely comics, if you're an insane autist like Alan Moore.  The second, is the test of the intent (the method of performing the spectrum), the inversion of the plan presented by the first test, ensuring loyalty to the book's authors.  The third, is the intended figure represented by the end of the plan (the joke), the reference to the target.  The fourth, is the backwards phase, the overall symbol the work represents (the religious epithet for the defeated culture from the former two, the slur to the first if failed).  The fifth, is the training phase, the application of an outside work, for a skillset accomodation, a specialty in case of missing link (the failure to apply), for a proof of life for potential addition of the success of the work to the creation of the form of work you are performing.  The sixth, and final, is the survival, placed in a simple codex, the form of entertainment as the hero, the trap from the first, you are employing, as a legacy system to interpret your career with (the viewpoints developed), from the body of work employed.  This comes to the seventh form, the completion of your career as a spy, an agent of God, the duties a man has that lead to his rights, or for a woman, maternity of disposed service preeminent to justice.

Socrates and Politics (The Exchange Between Political Minds):

Socrates, could've been an Athenian assembly politician.  But, he so skilled, that a man who merely enjoyed discussing politics, approached him, instead of an actual politician, and befriended him.  Here is the story of the elders of society.

Every politician, is pragmatic in pure form.  Someone who does not understand an issue (they do not wish for progress, the entire point of a politician's job, be it a king or a dictator or a senator, anywhere throughout history), preaches for something called 'the ideal', actually a method of government in Rome from Socrates, but to them, 'God'.  God, is the duties you have in your method of government's law, with rights, as free will, which you lose, the second you violate the duties, God, by local acclaim of anyone observing.  An idealist, forgets this.  So, he or she complains, to the politicians, about someone else that you know, that knows politics, since they think you're their friend, and the other guy, somehow isn't (you both represent interests, it's the way it works).

This requires the politician, the one the so-called idealist, has patronized, to call upon the accused individual, to figure out, why the other individual, has been accused.  The politician investigating the case, who is enraged at the asshole, the German term of for the idealist (the finest politicians until Hitler figured out why he was an asshole), will investigate why the asshole is offended at the other politician.  

The politician who is the asshole's representative, will see why the constituent is complaining about the other representative, with a homosexual motion of some sort.  Then, the other party, will call the homoerotically gesturing politicial, a brutal slur, to see if the two politicians can figure out, why this asshole is being a prick.  Prick, is French, it means he's disrupted a system, and may die, if 'asshole' is what is returned.  The politician, then apologizes for the meeting, by calling the other guy a slur, indicating that's what the politician who couldn't expel the asshole was (unless he's been called an asshole, in which case, they've spotted Hitler, the politician calling the other politician, the accused by the asshole, 'dickhead', meaning this guy is going to get his nuts lit on fire).

If you spot a politician who hesitates, you have to slam him into a fucking shitshell, by saying the convex, the outer plane without breach, to his own position and his failure to identify what you are.  

That's called, slander.  Congratulations, politician, you've just found Hitler in power, and you just used the Book of the Dead, the Old Testament, the New Testament, Nietzsche, or other works, to slam him into Friedrich Nietzsche's psychotic breakdown.

This begins your story as a legend of folklore or story or song or music or screen, maybe in real life if the other guy was a 'dopey' (patronized by a rich power to take you out).

{Editor's Note: Matt Lennox gave a movie narcotics officer sign as a witchhunt when given an inversion of GI Joe as Cobra, which is actual military policy, and was given, 'fag', an apology for a French offense with art.  When hesitating, Matt got 'white guy', a universal strip of a Muslim into delusion, marking the editor as a heretic: specifically, Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner, the Warren Zevon song.  Islam is a political espionage system based on professional skillset, 'white guy' is a Catholic priest trick to take the three stages - professional, misdirection, fiction, and take the misdirection to make it truth, hence fiction becomes reality and profession, all espionage and jobs, becomes blocked.  Worse than Friedrich Nietzsche, and impossible to beat the guy that put you into it.  Only possible when you fail the political apology for one's own offense as the constituent, another politician.  Socrates gave another guy, 'triangle', meaning, 'half-right', as a geometry reference - the other guy turned out to be gay, and Socrates got him to kill himself, from a fractal bend that got Socrates labeled a magician.}

Systems of Allah (Technology, Technique, Culture):

The concept of 'Allah' refers to the building of tradition from the combination of parental experience, the exchange of rites of passage in community, and the resources built to accrue new traditions for further family exchange.  The system prohibits removal of these traditions by theft, any form of theft being a removal of a descent, of combination and expansion of human tradition, over tens of thousands of years.  Theft, inverts an insight, all shared by parentage, community, and training.  There is no other importance other than the passage of information tradition, since it builds technology, technique, and culture.  But what are these three things?

Technology is the method of using previously established tradition, anywhere in the world.  It is already existing, and can be updated.

Technique is the method of creating new technology, anywhere in a region equipped to created it.  It does not exist, and supplements technology.

Culture is the method of recording past techniques and technologies removed from usage, from any tradition that has found their methods no longer relevant.  It is used to understand how techniques and technologies worked, often from different areas of the world, to update technology's usage and to create new techniques.

The highest crime is theft of tradition, from a family, produced by Satan, a conspiracy of elders who seeks to thieve tradition from a human, always an animal in terms of any faith, each and every single one, or else, the faith would not have congregants.  Since, of course, in the Veldt, thieving a tradition means failure of the tribe, from reversing progress, your only manner of sustenance, growth, and success, into a larger tribe.

The entire concept of building as organisms with the unique function that humans have, called communicative neurology, enabling a weaker life form, the simian, to dominate an ecosystem, as a mutation into inferiority always leads to the spread of the species.

The most efficient life form is the virus, the most successful the human.  A virus, is useless, however cannot be destroyed, and evolves rapidly, into similar patterns.  The human, is exceptionally useful, but only in its own terms, and is easily snuffed, and cannot evolve without shaping the pattern of its communicative neurology, the inferiority it has developed above the simian that makes the human being so endemic.

Cheating at this game, is a retreat into a prior form of life, hence you will be destroyed, from being superior.  Sorry, Hitler, you're an asshole.


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