The Campaign Against Marvel Comics (For Timely Comics, Buy Back Captain America)

 Marvel Comics.

John Washburne: Marvel Research Writer, "Punisher", presently incarcerated and left for dead, Pembroke Hospital, NSA bonded guard.
Jim Shooter: Israeli agent, former employer of John Washburne, conducted harassments and assaults on Israeli, Jewish, or Kurdish civilians for writer's research for heroes, any villains having survived a hit triumphantly.
Rob Liefield: Self-taught forensic psychiatrist, specialist at using fan agents at conventions to plant drug addictions matching psychiatric conditions induced by "Deadpool" character, Wade Wilson, from reading scripted page.
Lawrence Hama: Vietnam Veteran who defecated on three trapped soldiers in a latrine, in the Vietnam War, and was pardoned by Marvel, and adopted as a son under Mossad paperwork, by Jim Shooter.
Stan Lee: Abwehr atheist in Brooklyn, with a mother in a wheelchair, false background and transgender, happened to be Jewish, never Synagogue adherent until later in life. Haganah agent and specialist in framing Jewish propaganda (SHIELD) as Chinese and slurring pre-Holocaust Jewish material (HYDRA) as Nazi (actually Israeli closed inner sanctum, the pass sign the proof of membership, however in Hebrew, not Yiddish).
Dave's Tracking Record:
John Washburne: Dislocated, permanent delusional, hired as federated crime lord 2004 by Allison Haimes, then betrayed and incarcerated, after being fed marijuana laced with Lysol and reporting it to his father, a cop plumbing specialist, labeled Lucchese Mafia and taken in mass sweep.
Jim Shooter: Hiding in Israeli government bond, responsible for the collapse of the Marvel negotiations and acquisitions deal from the collapse of Likud member Harvey Weinstein, a corporate sabotage and pass agent in Disney, to give Israel an advantage in negotiations with Disney and British Hollywood.
Rob Liefield: Forced to write himself as Deadpool in the films, with John Washburne's minions killing him over and over again, duplicating his savage beatings at the hands of Springfield mobsters, claiming to work for Dave Charlebois, yours truly.
Lawrence Hama: Forced to place Sherlock-Moriarty, instead of Watson-Moriarty, into print in a GI Joe film popularizing Zartan as a Sherlock-Moriarty, a combination of Sherlock, the trickster frauding Watson, the nullifier psychiatrist, as the heroes, each and every one, so the series demonstrates that Sherlock, a game to remove a psychiatric panel specialist, such as a priest with castration powers or censorship authority, from influence on a judge, can't be cheated if the research agent, Watson (Ivan Tomasic), is aware he's being lured into a trap, however is unaware of Sherlock Holmes is being played as a game (he now has to be aware of GI Joe, the campus DARPA and COBRA manual for CIs, confidential informants, "cobra intelligence", for the US Army - GI Joe, the highschool dropouts that flunked even basic military enlistment, unless marching parade soldiers, cheap labor making 10K a year throughout their military careers as E-2 ranked). Hence, GI Joe, Watson, is a failure, anyways. Game distributed to whole movie audience, on behalf of Al-Haram, the Saudi tactical reserve, the Black Building, dating back 2450 years of military "games", five point ciphers, "citadels".
Stan Lee: Outed Barack Obama as gay, through Joanne Rivers, by claiming that Barack Obama was a Muslim (a homosexual, under Mesopotamian and Arabian terms, "gay rights", most of the Middle East operates under Uighur mercantile logic, the House of Saud and prior, Ottoman Jannissary logic, the logic of Palestine, Israel included as an illusory subdivision to fraud Lutherans, Gentile slaves used by Jews as cheap labor, they believe literal print of doctrine, instead of own judgement). Stan Lee the stole work, from me, written with Dave Mustaine's style of lyric, to induce him into hyperactive jumping, and then his life was stolen by Camsing, a Korean Mob company out of Beirut, Taliesin Games being the distributor, managed out of Bombay by Dawood Ibrahim on behalf of Deng Jingping, the sitting chair of our assets in the Bank of London, through the Belfast IRA, the Irish MI-6, into a divided capital in Connecticut corrections funding, my base of employ as a British spy from the East Seas account "Joy Luck", presently opposing internet intellectual property customs, not law (intellectual property is law in Israel, everywhere else, just industrial patents of open review, not purchase, for worker's compensation safety, federal payment if all machines insured, not a cent out of the factory owner's pocket - unless a sweatshop, the owner is being intimidated by the Mafia, the Italian-Jewish unions out of the police commission system of Azerbaijin, the Shi'ite Comintern).


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