Syndicated Powers of Submerged Structure (Political Economy Through Schopenhauer)
Schopenhauer, is the concept of the Jewish Mafia, contracted by French spies hired out of America, for the Jewish rice feed market in the South to connect to the German urban Gentile community's pork market, through kosher division of table. The first installment (the concept of seating in a university being guessed through clothes, a hidden network), it was followed by Karl Marx (university fraud, a tangible return through a non-tracked contribution) and Friedrich Nietzsche (a new form canon, comic book standard formula of repetitive cordon, intended to trap anyone picking a resemblance to Nietzsche himself, contained as the hero in each book, with a block for legal admission of fiction employed and a variable save book, Thus Sprach Zarathustra, to escape the cordon post-war, the Desert Fox's book).
Apple: A technical company based on fraud of technology taken from quantum chip experiments, through accusations of dangerous experiments through media, such as the CERN facility’s research into a five circuit chip for banking numerals.
Microsoft: An industrial site theft firm specializing in buying corporate industrial CAD or architecture or facility computer systems, coded by statistics and mathematics majors, then applying computer science topographical studies to them to duplicate police wares and hardwares.
Linux: The same thing as Microsoft, except with a scrambled user interface, to hide firewall plants of data for mutual signal by private police firms working for anyone that pays.
NSA: A campus health unit for mobilized soldiers and informants and spies working domestically, to monitor psychiatric systems and power utilities of campus staff and dormitories.
DIA: A field division of spies used as throwaways, having failed a CIA task cadet muster, and is instead placed in upward branches, under the control of poltroys, plainclothes cops with a public NSA commander and a psychiatric perjured agent out of a USMC shell company.
NRO: A joint North Korean Canadian American task force, used to monitor communications in America through bandwidth password anomolies in computer systems, on code name terms, called Poseidons, used to spot federal breach of access violations; anyone spying on a computer system by screen, by file, by plant, by firewall, or by corporate monitoring inside a business server or through cloud software, even spear fishing or charitable deduction from bank.
Friends Stand United (FSU): A Boston PD range unit demanding that all international transit, once within three counties of a municipal provincial capital, remain inside, or else be derided of wealth and plausible fact; this is performed to guarantee a downward trend in social mobility, by depriving suburbanites of collegiate access to private universities. A function of the Irish Republican Army, and a Contra unit, formed in the 1980s, under Governor Michael Dukakis.
The Force Reconnaissance Unit (FRU): A British deep cover unit used to capture foreign spies of any nation and deport them to the Tower of London, for production of basic tools with lethal potentials as accessory, such as the plastic foil on a deli slicer being removed to strangle. They pose as Orange Order members, a Battle of the Somme heritage group that is supported against their will (the Orange Order is pacifist libertarian English), and blame abortion clinic bombings on them; they hide themselves, as pro-life activists.
Mental Health Services (MKULTRA): MKULTRA, is a campus program, to find deviances in cells of logic in housing or education, at an university and colleges contained within, as test studies for primary and secondary schools, to determine how educational dysfunctions occur, by recruiting victims to intelligence work on their own tail, at high dollar in private security annuitum fees.
Physical Plant Services (Protestant Universalist): Protestant Universalists, are Comstock labor from the south, recruited from Canada, to put "snuffs" on a "bullet", their unspeakable term for anyone having ever had a "crush" on a girl, misinterpreting every phrase due to a backwards parent, someone on a low-high speedball, a kill from a "Prot", a Jesohafait, a Muslim activist with the Southeast Asian community, after World War 2, Deer Team convicts in the mind of "chung hos", anti-castration resistance in the Israeli community.
Psychiatric Disability Services (Church of Satan): You register pre-law, you take a second choice major, you announce you're a psychotic diagnosis and want to be a teacher, then you sit for your finals, regardless of having taken class, become a lawyer, and then you embezzle, and go to prison, for failing to pay your taxes, because you missed classes that told you glossaries of terms, the only thing you learn in college; everything else, is just an exercise to get you to memorize it, a psychology degree. The curriculum author, for the teacher's texts, not the students (males speaking Arabic and your vernacular).