Massachusetts Campaign Against Jewish Haganah Interests (Aryan Mafia Payment for Silence in Murder of Own Mother)


The shutdown of five Likud unions, the Israeli theft of the namesake of the Lord and Vassal system of Gentiles (Likud).

Bounty hunters, media/power Hollywood, AFL-CIO DSS, youth/intelligence corporate, and university/psychiatric medical.

Casino Royale: “I’d like to thank everyone that opposed me to my face, instead of behind my back.”  Planted on Will Morgan, downfall of Harvey Weinstein (film union).

Quantum of Solace: “If you don’t vote for a Jew, you’re an anti-Semite.”  Planted on Jim Duggan, downfall of George Soros (intelligence union).

Skyfall: “War develops military technology, to develop civilian technology, to prevent stagnation of technology during population growth.”  Planted on Matt Lennox, downfall of President Bonsarno (university union).

SPECTRE: “The hardest thing in my life, is writing this paper.” Planted on Sarah Ferguson, downfall of Barack Obama (industrial union).

No Time to Die: “The more sins you commit, the longer you spend in Hell, until you go to Heaven.”  Planted on Joe Senir, downfall of Duane Chapman (police union).

The shutdown of INTERPOL for Vladimir Putin and EUROPOL, to return proper broadcasting to the news (and away from INTERPOL).

Gotham, James Holmes, and Batman (2022).

Full detailed blue print of cypher set of drop, four drops per target out of five, for Gamespy media, out of Newsmax corporation.  007 mission set, hired, 1995.

Witch’s ear pattern, Hecate, reversed ear (right).

Southie Ghost maneuver: cabbie out of New York, transporting the corpse of a politician’s son, found infamous for seeing a prostitute, and performing a female visa exchange of a black traveling student, in Amherst, before proceeding to Beacon Hill, at a private morgue, for inspection by the Boston Freemasonic Lodge.

Variation: Used wrong ear, indicating a black female spy, while placing Hopkinton, in New York, self, at Amherst, location, in Bristol, hence Empress M’s porn shoot, was at center of ear, folded into plane, Charles Manson’s CIA cipher in kindergarten, as paper airplane, thumb circle.  Hopkinton election was won by Ted Blanchard, however Freemasons, confused, gave me the victory for 10 points up, getting Ted Blanchard sack beaten, giving control to Will Morgan.

Moniker: A chakram weissergehst, a German lookalike hit, on Likud, for the Palestine Peace, out of a Hamas-Gaza affiliation, Metrowest Daily News Affiliation, Zeitgeist Tong, hired out of East London, Queen's Chapel, Prince Potter's Association, Newsarama News Max, through the Queen's Account, Prince Harry Entow, actually Prince David Philip, Elite Ops, Berkshire Hathaway Housing Division.

Games Cheats: Y2K (British Imperial Contracts from Microsoft), Police Vice Drug Markets (East Coast Marijuana Drought Out of UMass-Amherst), Bitcoins (MI-6 Prostitute Undercover Contacts), Time Alarm Rhythm (League of Legends), World Series of Poker (Mafia Bookie Betting on Individual Gamblers to Disrupt Varsity Drafts to College Athletics by Mortgage Seizure).

Media Houses: Time Warner Slander (CIA Anti-Self Training to Reveal Character Research on Batman), Marvel (Mad Pride Sales to Disney), Animated Rabbinical Press (James Holmes Shooting), Prostitution Ring Journalism (FOSTA From Kevin Smith Phony Contact of CIA), Yakuza Budo Federation (Downfall of Winter Hill Gang in Quantum Divorak).

Union Heads: Weinstein (Fall #5, Media, Rape), Soros (Fall #3, Youth, Snuff), Bonsarno (Fall #4, Medical, Larceny), Obama (Fall #2, Industrial, Corruption), Chapman (Fall #1, Mercenary, Fraud).

007 Cryptograms: House Reset (Chiffre, Name of Type to Reset Tactical Homeland Roster), Racial Ethnotype (White, Placement of Other as Different Race of Fiction Without Naming Character), Data Theft Steal (Rodriguez, Placement of Link to Government Site to Indict Hacker), Monitor Network Login (Blofeld, Pledge of Other As Impossible to Beat Self to Sell Their Soul to Devil), Faux Hunt Game Theory (Safin, Comparison Between Fictional Figure and Theological Figure to Trap Foe in Hitler).

Binding Jewel: 616, 13

The removal of CNN's advertising share from the news, favoring MSNBC and Microsoft/Elon Musk/Richard Branson. DC Comics writer's shares to FOX.

Gotham, Last Witch Hunter, Assassin's Creed Ubisoft.

A sociology professor at any school, even a low ranking don, a drug dealer, or a graduate student with international connections, a Judenhaus, deals with art, literature, and entertainment, a petty props man producing skin porn for "homos", study sheets for pedophiles and transgenders, the latter a later stage, to make movies or film or delicatessant art with, a self-perpetuating industry to train CFOs and artistic lieutenants of media corporate houses to "bull" themselves into golden parachutes for martyred firms never meant to succeed; Al Gore's Enron, the Queen of England's Majesty-12, Jacques Chirac's Raelian Society, or Ted Turner's Nortel Communications.  Berkshire Hathaway, typically fronts and funds these organizations, as an East Seas Mumbai Transaction, out of Kurdish-Gentry households, the common soldier, Kurdish-Pictish households, the elite shock trooper, or Kurdish-Pictish-Blendeds, the higher the rank being the more rare strains in use of geometry, logic, and comprehensive literature.  The Kurdish-Gentry, provide military assaults and field demolitions with comprehensive arms to protect gambling interest, the Kurdish-Pictish provide management positions in corporate firms, and the latter, myself, deals in taking down children of wealth, influence, political power, or improper access to hierarchy, by promotion to trap of already nepotistic hive; (Golden Horde Nizarim, Kurdish Coward Charleboy Blend Inquisitor Historian, Japanese Ainu Komon Tojo Massacre Hunger, Gypsy Knossos Skorzeny Cousin, Buckingham Dress Sergeant Knife Expert, Racicot Confessor Cossack Populaire Pilate Counter-Zionist Variety, Tanacharison Hiawatha Erik the Red Inuit Mingwe Blend, James Madison Presidential Society, Jeannette McCullem Irish Banshee Knife Fighter Dominatrix Inversionary Context Switch, father's side, O'Neill Hugh Earl of Tyrone Conn Consort Duchy, Taiwanese Red Flag Paleolith Economist Macroanalysis of Small Phenom Protocols Set, Gawain Typhus Plague Bearer, Dumond Assasin Bird of Paradise Rapist Stage Frame, mother's side).


To pull a prank on a sociologist educator, as was performed famously on Salieri, the composer, or Nietzsche, the author, one has to get their cadet third stringer, the most powerful (Mozart or Ree), to remove themselves from a major of simplicity and wealth, the always preferred for continuation of the rare and essential genome, to gain revenge on a group of "Sophists", the term for simplicity of act and gesture in response of envy, the said nepostistic circles targeted by the three stages of increasing damage from the Kurdish Muhammadan Serb Uighurs (Pashtun, the Queen's Household).  

First, get your friend to take your major, we'll call him Q, the common name for the checkered piece, the homo-killer, the Queen (that catches the Queer, the M through the L, the dickhead, creating a LAM, a Biblical term for an adopted son, the poor fruit of the tree, a demoted priest protecting a 'gook', the term for a repatriated bloodline of missionary status to a slave, the sociology professor, don, or intern you are targeting, Salieri or Nietzsche).

The Q, can take any major your school will be believe, so make sure your circle, pushes you aside, for him, when he hates the circle pushing him aside; after the push, he continues to befriend you, suspecting you have been played foul.

Then, the Q, will naturally shift to R, the Runplay, a running back's move made famous by Curtis Rice, where the left hand on a tipple inwards, a run from the outside in a movement to the right, slightly in, to fake a false cover as if a defensive cornerback, thinks the running back, is a wide receiver, and a hand gesture is given by the running back, to bust out the kneecap of a defensive end, that mistakes the run play for a passing play on the opposite side, automatically catching a military or police bet on the game for a 'book', a Jewish booking bet out of Hollywood, Las Vegas, or Iran (Britain, Israel, or Mossad).

The R, will take a position of defeat, to become Grieg, in Salieri's hopes, or Shelley, in Nietzsche's hopes, two piss poor hateful men that produced a single piece, the rest of it utter shit, but the sociologist's favorite, because it's the guy's entire formula.

The next stage, is tempting the wife of the sociologist, through a suggestion.  Report the suggestion immediately to her, as antisocial.  Antisocial, means a collegiate admissions, and you've just put him in an espionage or police role.  Now, you have him in your hand, panicked, that he's drafted Q, to be R, on himself, I, Bomb Iran.

The man will suggest, a drink, perhaps, in public.  A boilermaker, a beer with a shot of whiskey, the beer used by fathers, to induce alcoholism, if their son or daughter is drunk at any determination of parent.

The rest is staged simple.  Salieri, or Nietzsche, will steal, everything the other guy has ever done, as his own, then place his own work, panicking about notary liability in the career you have, that he is allegedly for through a teaching assistant, as Mozart or Ree's work, however postured against his own position, actually your wife's position, now hunted by the state of Britain, Canada, and Australia.

The final part, is when Q-R, becomes M, the Fist, when he does something very simple; he releases his published work, and his positions, and the meanings, and your work too.  

Ted Turner Time Warner Cable: Everyone is an undercover cop selling drugs, if a hero, otherwise they're a cop off ADD meds, killing mentally ill, for being off their booze.  The Riddler, figures out how to be Batman, a comic book character.  From Jar Jar Binks, to Batman 2022's Bruce Wayne.  A serial killer police officer.  Dave Charlebois's work.

Assassin's Creed: The Nizarim Hashashim, the bloodline of the Knights Templar, fights the Knights Templar, not knowing that Sicilian Mafiaso, are Arabs, and Arabs by slur of self, are Islamist Jews with Ethiopian blood, sport hunted by Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian, Lebanese, and Syrian leaders, by making them fight each other, for trolling and peace processes, to punish the Lennox family of Canada, Ireland, and England, for being Ottoman Turkish Sultans.  Jeffrey Lange's work.

The recruitment of a Homeland Security, placing him undercover in the Mossad.

Ivan Tomasic, Hollywood Shyst Set (Batman 1989, Death Race 2000, Company Man, Killing Joke, Moonraker the Novel with the villain reverse sequenced, Hugo Drax)

Taking down FARC medical, and Israeli-Saudi Arabian dinar extortion of Arabs and Africans.

The Israeli markets are balanced on the dinar, the Arab currency in common exchange.  Israel, is a finance corridor to the Middle East, and Iran, a non-clature, ruled by Irish families, out of New York; the Werberoingyton Exchange, a classified hitman bureau (honest, actual to God hitmen, swear to invoke their name as Christ High, Sirs).

Muslim leaders, convert to God, our Yahweh, that of setting of ilk, those of Highest Men, with Muslims, their servants, and Transgenders, their women, with urine of milkest though, their mothers, on their lips, to produce the Blue Eye, the anus of buds, in the infant child girl, having no effect on the male but a Terror, a male homosexual of Islamist ilk.  If left-handed, rejected, sliced at hand's gilt, unless a Sarisee, a false Jew, marked in homosexuality but actually a python, a knife-fighter, that who passes currency to self, a soleless masturbator, a man without shoes, doomed to homelessness in false claim of British service, an isle's enemy.

The shekel, is the concept, of all currencies balanced and adjusted against self as if a circle, actually a square, of the round corners, being the inner edges, of the obscene, the unseen binding hand of the Rabbi, with the King of Saudi Arabia around the middle, the uncalculated debt leverage that expands to change your exchange principle with the dinar, and through this, the Iranian market hedge, the assassination of minors, Youth, the term 'minor' indicating your country is capitulated, but not has capitulated, a war for Islamic economics, unions, Likud, the shekel.

The shekel is calculated by your market falling in value through lack of ill worth, through shout, a failed principle demonstrated, and then raising, through a public bluster, indicating the flaw has been found, which you are superior.  Otherwise, a quiet cutoff, through homeless, and then into suicide, if in honor, or dread, if dead, if both, a market shortfall, a son has been produced, a spy.  If he will not serve, he is an anti-Semite, and if a homosexual, he is spared.

Now, the trick to balance the dinar, is the 'lesion', the legendary play of Holly, a British spy.  In 1997, age 12, he placed a Moscow wares, a stolen piece of furniture good, this time a coded engram, on his computer, marking him guilty of suit, they would steal and own this, and if returned to competency in court, meaning, prove it did not work, he would have right to claim the profit of finance, meaning, all profits thereof, impossible, because this never works, yet it is sold as his name.  He, however, instead of facing imprisonment he invented a new trick, and avoided a faggot placing a shoe on him, an Arab, the British term for it in service, as a black negro dumbsfounder, a man rendered 'nigger', that which values their shoe, a petty piece of cash and a minor insult to be stolen or thrown or invoked (indicating a homosexual has done so, especially a woman with bare toe, a clapped heel, finnacked oak, a woman with crickety spine by age of elder).  

The trick, was to take his region union, all provinces bound together in region by education of service, and pass it to another region, from his union of membership, under the base, passing to another union, in offense of broken rule, marked with mathematical function to steal - this is the trick of placing it in film, the support basis for municipal, water and power.  Now, it is impossible, for anyone, in his region, to be homosexual, in suit of court, otherwise, an African is shot on the street or executed for attempting it, and must practiced Catholicism, not Lutheranism or Judaism or Russian-Slavic extense, and Muslims are murdered for the offense of ever taking a shoe, their balls physically removed and sent to India (their actual testicles) as manservants to be whipped and beaten and driven to tears, for making shoe jokes (patents, free silver, the lack of guild engrams).  

The simple trick, is to take a copyright ware, and enter into a union of five (municipal, youth, university, industrial, or police), then pass, to another region, as math, meaning it will touch municipal, and the copyright ware, is a mark of guilt, in police, meaning, you will own suit over a math concept, making homosexuality, African

The end of the Bond franchise, backed by Nestorian Jews in Turkey, the thieves of the Bond license.

British Nestor Turkey:  Bond 007, is a media platform, like any other movie.  Bond's job, is to publicly take an enemy of Israel to task, on behalf of a Rabbinical movement, inside Turkey (Nestor).  Each Bond, per actor (including the new leading lady, if the "player" survives) has to have a new intelligence theory.

Sean Connery: John Hangrid, Japanese video game theory.  He would be tortured, his foes in pit fights representing a military strategy to take down the foe.  "Mike".

Roger Moore: Steven Charlebois, media expletive theory.  A Hitler alcoholic, as Israeli, would lie on a report, to use the movies, to take down an enemy, thus supporting a Jewish investment takeover.

George Lazenby: John Scott Lennox, a single coded ampersand, placed into a war, to win it, at expense of ground intelligence, converting a criminal model into worldwide tourism revenues.

Timothy Dalton: Martha Coakley II, A placement on the ampersand bet, actually a woman, placing a single educated book division, into the Vatican, to seal the Jews into a tomb, supplanting the Knights Templar with ground divisions of "troops", teachers.

Pierce Brosnan: David S. Charlebois, each Bond as the villain, multiple villains played as white, each labeled a sex offender on defeat and registered as the true identity of the agent, using Roger Moore as a cover strategy.

Daniel Craig: David M. Charlebois, the Brosnan strategy, however as the Jethro Tull bassline, a grandfather clock, 5-1-4-2-3, targeting union intelligence dominating police to rule from the bottom, therefore stripping negligible asset threats before approaching villain while villain, Bond, used C-List movies from Blockbuster, countering self with Tarantino, Tarantino a trap for the C-List, but if countering others.

Sarah Storm falsely reported as an African female in the reverse Hecate's ear Beacon Hill Freemasonic field strategy, falsely fed into the FBI.

A money laundering scheme given to the AFROTC's resource economics unit and fed into the Rizzuto Family in Canada through FBI undercovers; the concept of a dealer incentive at an ounce and over to sell for free, working for the price of marijuana, to collapse the Canadian marijuana market and free MI-6, Japan, Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Central America, the Antilles, Southeast Asia, Australia, Polynesia, and East China, from the control of American mercenary marijuana growers with the Banditos and Hell's Angels and Chinese Floating Triad Boys, destroying the Freemasonic Temple and allowing the American Governor's Association to remove corrupt members relying on police payoffs through marijuana sales and college boiler room call centers for alumni and powerful banking families out of Goldmann-Sachs Montana and liquor deals out of India, not Ireland and the IRA's MI-6 unit, Contra-Tel-Recon, the STU.

The end of the US Navy's racial supremacy through drafted Latinos under African leadership in boot camps and Annapolis.

Printing of Hideous Karl, to turn Latino circle hazes to become cops, into cosplay events, coherent with Wolfram and Hart, the KKK as a concept for STD and HIV sufferers, vampires, printed on Buffy + Angel MUCK, as Quinton Sabbatique, then triggering a crash of the game to guarantee theft, by outdoing police officer informants playing on the MUSH, in a cemetary scene, performing a ledge sit on a wall, while watching the "lames", the fake Nobles.

Print edit of The Office, through Dwight Schrute not approving of a computer, and being a resource economics major, internal affairs, Obama as a corrupt president (police officer training without any understanding of accounting of evidence or fair negotiation with perpetrators for pleas without business pressure or forcible molestation of parents or family or actor's school slavery).

Registration of economics classes, then taking pre-law history, Obama's freshman year choice at Columbia University, before switching to political science, my stated secondary major to Jenna Williamson, second major stated as first choice, journalism, the triple abacus double sheaf, a Charlebois Midwestern soda jerk pharmacist accountant.

The slur of the psychiatric profession in Electric Six and related Canadian bands.

The Team Sauerkraut campaign, on behalf of the Catholic Church, against homosexual skateboarders pushing drugs, alcohol, and CDs out of Newbury Comics, for female heroin dealers that separated men from relationships with women that were attracted to but the women, didn't play a sport.

Removal of heroin (perphenzanine), morphine (electrol delicum), and opiates (percosetts and talcum) from the market.

Registration of Melatonin pills, as an official pharmacist's stock recommendation to psychiatrists, taken from strawberry husk and processed in neutral chemical carbohydrates.

Removal of Taiwanese intelligence deportations, for the international Gypsy community.

Staging Taiwanese mastermind Elon Musk's takeover of the internet, then aborted once he realized that the spambot everyone thought was trolling, was someone that had made it into college, without a lawsuit or civil rights torte.

Capitulation of Taiwan nationals to Communist China, and an occupation of Taiwan by third party, duplicating Britain's conquest of Hong Kong to clear out Chinese street gangs claiming to be Triads (Triads being the genome of the Chinese Communist Party, and imperial lines of admiralty, emperorship, and general's authorship or leadership in field).

Information on Reagan's dealings with China, given to MotM spouse, while Chinese lines in Shanghai were tapping the phone to see why she had married a Hispanic male.

The shutdown of INTERPOL and NORML's salacious enticement programs using Pirate Bay.

Download of Metallica on Pirate Bay, crossing the Russian Federal Intelligence program (Napster, RIAA, Armenian-Mob, Metallica, and Offspring/NOFX/Brody Dalle), to kill a top field agent, planting the body on the state police.

The download of Metallica songs off INTERPOL torrents through the Canadian Mounted Patrol, and the frame on a NORML assassin as suicide while accosting a Mossad lieutenant, ex-USMC.

B-Rock: "Keith Valesquez is dead."

The removal of the IDF marital bows and downeys program.

Justin Walsh: "Joker is a bitch card."

The assassination of Joanne Rivers, over a rigged game of cards, a Windsor's lover's cards play, where a Mossad lieutenant, refused to play with jokers in the deck, in front of a transgender female-to-male.

Justin Walsh refused to play with a Joker, when I demanded it, with an unattended woman, Jenna Sweeney, located nearby, an ugly horse that Justin Walsh had feelings for.

The acquisition of Marvel for Disney, a British Freemason talent house.

Posture of self for AFROTC and Irish Freemasons as the leader of a crime syndicate sexually assaulting Rob Liefield, creator and lead writer of Deadpool, then frame of plumbers for cop housing as Lucchese, allowing buyout of Marvel for Disney.

The removal of the Lucchese distribution network through the Massachusetts state police training program at Amherst College, and the murder of Stanley "Stan Lee" Lieberman through a stolen written piece using Dave Mustaine's logic, as an ADHD.

The Annihilator, stolen from character Johnny Feng, at M3, placed there by self, taken by Drew McAllister, an incompetent asshole and snaggletooth sad ass.


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