The Joker

 Doctor Joshua "James" Moen (The Joker):

Alleged Position: Emergency room doctor.

Medical Fraud Perpetrated: Actually an economic journalist, a variation of a journalist specializing in reallocating capital (contended assets) to holding in private quarters of property, and as a journalist, shutting down the township or building he's been hired to represent in purchase of property capital away from business now registering downhoused - less competitive on the market (not downsized, a resource economist's job, the private investigator's sought career outside of police work).  Joshua Moen decided to become an endocrinologist and doctor for the Irish Republican Army instead, and specialize in herbal date rape chemicals, to invent garden-available and horticulturally grown "mickeys", ways to poison men and women into sex.  Combined with his calling as an economic journalist, already described, that means he shuts down every hospital he works at, into a tower of rape sex, to kill everyone their (the assets in contention, i.e., needing medical care).  We suspect Joker may also be a police officer, but he breaks police officer's code, at refusing to smoke marijuana to initiate as a police representative.

Supported Cause: Irish Republican Army, Sinn Fein Branch, Boston Police Department (Games and Wagers and Debts).

Status: Written into police officer Daniel Cheeseman, an Irish-Jew that he beat mercilessly for having a shellfish allergy (being Jewish in blood and religion, required to have the allergy to be admitted to a Synagogue), with Josh Moen's personality attached, so he can finally be Jewish, as the anti-Semites at the Freemasonic Temple desire (for the term anti-Semitism used as a political pulpit of support, considered anti-Semitic in the Jewish faith).


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