Ra's al-Ghul

 Benjamin Netanyahu (Ra's al-Ghul):

Alleged Cause: The Israeli Parliament, the Nation-State of Israel, and the worldwide Jewish community, as well as the Mossad and Catholic Church.

Medical Fraud Perpetrated: The Queen of England's personal agent as the head of the Jewish police unions, supporting five major figures (Likud union heads) to run policing against Gentile Commoners, with Israelis and Jews as drafted agents.  Water/Power (Hollywood), Youth/Telecommunications (CIA), University/Medicine (Psychiatric Union), Gay Rights/Fertility Clinic (AFL-CIO), and police/bounties (Fraternal Order of the Police).

Supported Cause: Moscow Russian Orthodox Church.

Status: Invaded until Yaphina takes power, then the Sauds and Iranians will be pleased that Russian stopped it (again, like in the 1980s).


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