Penny Plunderer

 Brian Monaghan (Penny Plunderer):

Alleged Position: Pot dealer.

Medical Fraud Perpetrated: Working for the state police as an adjunct for the National Football League, forcing free work out of bright highschool students and college students, for WAAF and Clearchannel (the Rossi Family), to sell to art houses for "Mistress Carrie" (a former vice officer, specializing in shutting down strip clubs, as a "Made" Man).

Cause Supported: The African Poverty Project.

Status: Paranoid schizophrenic, after the private investigator convinced him he was Clark "Superman" Kent.  Brian Monaghan is a special education educated individual, and a remedial reader, any such allusion to a fictional hero for one, causes severe paranoid schizophrenia.


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