Alan Moore (Anarky):
Alleged Position: DC Comics Author, Britain.
Medical Fraud Perpetrated: Assistance of medical treatment of police and others as experimental test subjects, by rallying Unitarians and common pedophiles under cause of Monarchy of England, for the secret societies of Freemasons, the doctors and nurses and psychiatrists and social workers and corrections officers, to oppress and abuse the public, for anyone with medical training to receive preferential treatment with drugs and treatments tested on civilians. Besides alcohol and cigarettes, of course, prohibited for medical staff, due to being superior intoxicants, regardless of mixture. Alan Moore was once a fine tax attorney, but helped people escape Pride and Prejudice, now the model he is duplicating in more severe form.
Supported Cause: Anglican Church.
Status: Still in maneuvers, lethal rounds engaged on both sides (standards crosshairs grids armory, sir)