Irish Mafia
The Irish Nation, since its inception in the Caspian as Scythia, has been deeply tied to ideas of valor, masculinity, and distance, rejecting anything that seeks simplicity, close comfort, or ideas of fellowship or union. We consider that homosexual, for a little fairy that has a cheeky smile for their sick, saccharine mother, perhaps this way deliberately from breeding, a hozzlenose (a hog’s beak, a cop’s wife or mother or daughter), or perhaps from force by Jews (a harrigan, a hag, a scum-nose). Regardless of where you’re from, the Scythian gene holds this proud, from our travels as Milesians in Canaan, Egypt, Crete, Iberia, Ireland, Britain, France, and the New World. Never a scientist to tell me who I am, never a doctor to shrink me, and always a bladed scar instead of ink vine in my flesh from a queer, for a little bagel’s boy, a German. Scythian Virtue: The most common set of Irish soldiers, these are the common workers of a community. They fight gangs who...